Gimme a compelling reason why all modern RPGs should NOT have a romance option mechanic.
Gimme a compelling reason why all modern RPGs should NOT have a romance option mechanic
Give me a compelling reason why they should and I'll tell you why not.
Because that shit is gay
Press F to fuck
Because its a fun mechanic and optional means its not necessary to pursue it if you dont want to.
Im not arguing for gay relations.
Okay, subjective shit. Here's the reality check: artists make what they want. That's why it's not in every game. Also, plenty of games just aren't suited to romance shit.
lets say its a rpg about soldiers in ww2
you cant have romance there
Name 1 RPG that is not suitable for a romance option.
because it would keep the twitterites and faggots who care more about shipping and writing gay shit about the characters instead of playing the game away
Any Souls game.
That's an adventure action game
Because romance options are stupid.
All of them
action adventure RPG
A little romance wouldn't hurt it. The attractiveness of the game its that it's hard.
DS3 allowed you to marry an NPC
Its not an RPG you furry.
it is and it shouldnt have romance
Romance WOULD hurt it. The game is about survival and the PCs are mostly mutes battling to maintain their sanity. Taking time from some apocalyptic journey for something as trivial as romance would make the games actively worse in terms of character motivation.
optional means you dont have to do it, you autistic fuck
Yes, but it wasn't what he's talking about with Persona/Mass Effect shit. BB also had sort of a love triangle too, but it's so downplayed you can't really call it romance options.
It worsens the game since development time is devoted to it. Even if you ignore it, your game developmentally is worse off.
>ronery otakushit killed FE and Persona
>I know! Let's add it to more games!
It's cringe
>people caring about/playing FE or persona before they added romance shit
>seething ShinMegamiTranny
This. Incel waifufaggotry should be added to all games to make them sell, much like all games should be free-to-play gambling and grind simulators or moviegames since they're popular.
Ok here's why OP. The reason you shouldn't have an optional romance mechanic is because when you write multiple choice romance it always comes across as shallow. If romance should be done in an RPG it should be done through the main narrative. Not that social link cutscene bullshit that never gets referenced in the actual game by any other characters
They take time and effort that could be spent on other parts of the game.
sounds your main complaint is that it can't be done right, but if more games implemented it, its likely it could be perfected. Lack of space or programming limitations shouldn't be an excuse on this generation.
You certainly could say that it's because it hasn't been done right. I don't think it ever will be done right though. Too much effort on a devs part to make more than a few romances that are unique and worthwhile. They still wouldn't be able to integrate it into the core game anyway. Too lazy.
>Take money and development time better spent on other shit.
>Doesn't fit the tone of the game.
>Doesn't fit the narrative or plot of the game.
>Creator isn't interested in adding romance options.