Had twitch open in another tab for 3 hours now

>had twitch open in another tab for 3 hours now
>still no beta key
Why did they have to do such a bullshit system

Attached: valorant.jpg (960x541, 48.14K)

because it's a marketing stunt to drive up twitch viewership and thus generate publicity
you'd have to be pretty niave to think anything else

The better question is why you would want to play another generic as fuck looking "PLS MAKE THIS ESPORTS PLEASE" garbage cs meets overwatch game

What do twitch viewers matter though? It's not like anybody is actually watching the streams

i watched valorant streams a couple of hours per day for a few days then gave up. yesterday i got a notification sayinhg that i had gotten one for watching Riot Games' stream. fuck it, as long as i get to play i guess
competitive fps games are like the hub, you understand? it's what we all come back to. well for some it's sc2 or some mobashit but you get the point. we may play other games throughout the year but csgo and overwatch are things you can come back to even if theyre shit. valorant's mixing the 2 together

don't install the chink botnet dumbass

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no one will come back to val o rant

>this is riot opsec
>the sEcReT cLuB

Attached: 1556341620227.jpg (1061x1130, 221.63K)

3 hours LMAO those are rookie number try 50 at least

fuck off chang

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good thing they did that, I dodged the rootkit

got my beta key today and played four matches. call me a boomer but jesus fuck all these abilities are making my head spin. counter strike is a much better game. chinks truly have no soul

Because that way you're the FREE viewbot.

Everyone(besides me) who plays this is some esports pro anyway, getting 1 tapped all the fucking time in this game. Unless you've like 10k hours in CS don't even bother installing this rootkit.

literally just fucking play CSGO or overwatch. Its copying those two games down to the letter.

is this pacman? i just imagine him cooming to porn while sitting in cheater discords trying to get his hands on the hax

Views are good as a marketting statistic. Sure they cant prove anyone is watching, but they can say "look, this many people's devices were pointing at our streams"

and yet again Yas Forums proves to be a bunch of shitters that can only play shitty snoystation sp cinematic video games

no. it isn't. reddit, or some of their smarter users are catching on though. wonder if they are backing anything up..

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>other tab
that's where you fucked up dummy

you can't do that
you also can't have the player muted (you can have the tab muted though)
you have to actively participate in chat so it doesn't mark you as idle
by that I mean just setup a quick macro to type a few characters in chat every 5 minutes or so

Got it two days ago, muted tab and minimized browser while I was playing something else

these threads just keep using the game image

Why are you morons getting so hyped over chinese malware?

Just play csgo lmao

Attached: 1585670608374.jpg (322x306, 19.93K)

this MF has worked somewhere that employs a marketing team or firm

also it's worth noting that the general gaming audience has been groomed to see a game's quality as directly relating to easily measurable marketing stats. it's something that's pushed extremely hard on taking forums.
>this game is bad
>it's sold x million copies dumbass
>it's number one viewed on twitch!
it is also what drives games "journalism" (this game has tonnes of viewers, and so we will attract more clicks)

That's not specific to games. Musicians will tout platinum records, films will brag about first week revenue, pretty much every product that is marketed to a wide audience submits said audience to the argumentum ad populum fallacy.

Stop hyping up the coming anti-cheat system to intimidate your family.
You sound like a lunatic and scare your loved ones. please. Your family is very worried. Please take medicine to calm yourself down. If you swallow the pill, you will not regret it. You have to calm down and not fall into crisis.

Things are under control. We need to relax and enjoy life, shall we? You worry that valorant is meaningless to your loved ones, they will be as crazy as you. Just like denuvo, nothing happened. For your family, please calm down.
You're talking nonsense. We are all safe. Your friends and family are scared. It's time to calm down. do you understand?

You need to listen.
You make people worry.
You are intimidating your entire family, friends and neighbors.
You must relax.
China has a cure. People are not cheating.
Calm down now.
Consider your loved ones. You are scaring them, why?
Yas Forums rumors?
It's time to calm down

is there any proof that the anti-cheat is spyware or is it just a retarded conspiracy?

none at all besides that tencent is buddy buddy with riot and the retarded decision that the anti cheat boots when your computer starts up not when you start the game

>yes daddy tencent please put your big throbbing rootkit on my tight spread computer hmmmph hmmphh
>please allow me to partake in your shitty hype marketing clone game PLEASE

having a purchase price dissuades a lot of hackers. so do dedicated servers with admins. also makes a better community

Its all theoretical semantics, aka conspiracy. If someone can compromise the Riot software, they have a freeway to your computer basically since it operates at the (((kernel))) level.

Since the company responsible for the program are directly linked to dishonest and xenophobic ChiComs, there is plenty of merit in being skeptical all around

I don't know why people want to play yet another overwatch clone.

I mean I'm playing overwatch while waiting for the drop so...

>Leave computer on over night for several days on 24 hour drop channels
>never get a drop
>give up and close the stream
>1 hour later get a beta key
What does riot mean by this?

What do you mean? The system is working great, they got you to watch Twitch for 3 hours for free!

>imagine frothing at the mouth for the opportunity to join the chinese botnet
you guys are fucking pathetic consoomers