Games with the most 100/100 review scores

Which LEAST deserves it?

Attached: Perfect Scores(1).jpg (1200x1200, 2.2M)

Wind Waker.

last of us

Last of Us, Any other answer is objectively wrong

OOT, Wind Waker, or Odyssy

I say OOT the most tho

>4 IPs
>5 posts

Zoomers will never understand what it's like to play OOT when it came out. What a shame

Any of the zeldas besides Oot

Last of Us

> All of these retarded Sonyfags thinking anything other than TLOU is the worst game on here

I don’t think any of the deserve it other than oot and mgs2 but least from what I’ve played is the last of us, most of these games pushed the envelope in some way but the last of us is the most generic tps I’ve ever played with nothing going for it

Last of Us is the furthest from a 10/10 here, but BotW getting that many 10/10s is a little ridiculous. Surprised Metroid Prime 1 is in 2nd place.

>say something negative about a Nintendo game
Notice how I was okay with the other 7 Nintendo games, along with all the multiplats.

The Last of Us and MGS2

These games get scored highly by journos who have a hard on for "games as art". The rest, at least, were rated based on actual gameplay.

TLoU and Vice City


Doesn't matter, anyone who thinks TLOU is complete garbage is a Sonyfag.

> MGS2
> Not rated based on gameplay
Spoken like a Zoomer who never played, MGS2 was the most anticipated game of all time & revolutionized gaming with it's incredible AI. The gameplay was so far ahead of MGS1 that it blew everyone's mind

I think you posted too quickly.

In my opinion, every game in that list is some shade of fantastic, except for Halo.
I don't understand the praise the series gets. The shooting is polished and all, but the games have some of the dullest level design I've ever seen

have you retards even played gta 3 in the past 10 years, The game aged like shit.


TLOU is awful with no redeeming value
Other games like GTA III, HL2, Twilight Princess & Odyssey are overrated. But still are at least a 6/10 at worst. TLOU is probably a 3/10 if you are being generous

In order of least deserving
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess

Hard to say since so few of them are close.
Halo 2, the last of us and ocarino of time are probably the least deserving.

Hl2 and gta3 are at least by the top of what they're doing, and what they're doing is good.
I think they'd probably be the most deserving.

Halo or TLOU

These games were rated based on how good they were at the time of release
So we have to judge them based on the same criteria
GTA III was revolutionary at the time it came out
TLOU was a complete piece of shit even when it first came out

Halo and TLOU are shit

Mgs 2 game play unironically aged better than 3 and 4.Crazy but 100% true. 3 had the best story imo but there is no opinion involved with 2 having the best gameplay

> Hating OOT

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-12 v - Legend of Zelda LOZ - Video Games - 4chan.png (1833x535, 306.37K)

MGS3 had the best setting, the story was completely forgettable. The only thing it did the best was it's cast of characters

TLOU is the worst, without question
Aside from that none of the Halo games or Twilight Princess deserve it

well i just remember the whole experience man, it was the first game that really felt like an adventure movie that i played. every movie game sense then has been trash compared to mgs3.

Halo, Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, Half Life 2. Twilight Princess is like a 6/10 game and WW has a bunch of flaws. They and Half Life 2 are only on the list due to name recognition.

Yeah, you remember the incredible setting & characters. You don't actually remember much about the story

Any series that made it onto the list multiple times probably only really deserved to be on there once. That's not how review scores work though so I won't complain too much.

This, everything else aside from MAYBE Twilight Princess or GTA III is blind contrarianism