ITT: shit games Yas Forums baited you into playing

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More like shit bait posted a thousand times

More like shit threads Yas Forums baited you into replying to

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this one

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I got fooled by Yas Forums that this game is amazing. Ive seen constant threads about this game

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That would be a long list.

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Didn't Yas Forums exclusively hate on this besides the occasional b8 thread?

I will never not be mad that the ps4pro doesn't improve shit in BB besides the loading times and a somewhat stable 30fps

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Git gud

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On a real note, Salt and Sanctuary

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>shit setting
>shit combat
>shit lore
>shot bosses

and they told me it was better than DS1 and demon souls

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Yas Forums shat on this months before it released, the fuck you on about

>Dude what if we made the Wii U again but you have to wait for all the games to be trickle rereleased at full price, remove miiverse, remove the virtual console, and charge for the worst peer to peer service on the market
It just confirms my theory that the more you charge for something the more retards like it

The first three levels were pretty good.

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i wish they made the wii u again. the switch is a downgrade from the wii u.

Is it really bait if you enjoyed it?

risk of rain

Unironically Dragon Dogma was the shittiest game I ever played that was shilled to high heaven here.


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No we love Death Stranding and view it as absolute kino. You belong on resetera with the rest of the trannys that hated the game.

cry more, MemeSoftware fags

literally none. Only because I've never actually bought a game this shithole advertises. Seriously, this place has the worst opinions ever, even Yas Forums is occasionally (like 1% of the time) right. I've literally never seen a Yas Forums specific opinion that isn't completely bullshit or retarded on multiple fronts.
Stopped gaming for a few years, then came back due to quarantine (not many things to do really) and remembered how fucking trash this place is.

Im 32 and everything in this pic relates to me too, stop stealing my childhood zoomer.

94' everything here relates to me, so fuck you also. how old were you when beyblades hit ? 18 ? were you in specialed ?

I agree with OP.
It's boring, DS3 as well.
I didn't buy Sekiro and won't get Elden ring either.
They peaked with DS1, went only downhill from there.

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shit posts that Yas Forums baited you into replying to

I am very intelligent and sophisticated

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