Can anyone explain to me why so many people still consider this the best game ever made...

Can anyone explain to me why so many people still consider this the best game ever made? I'm playing through it blind for the first time right now and so far all I can come up with is nostalgia.
>tank controls
>extremely sluggish enemies
>iffy aiming hitboxes, although usually they err on the side of being TOO generous esp the shotgun

I don't have a lot of huge complaints about it besides the slightly dated controls and not-great camera, but it's not blowing me away like the second coming of christ that it gets talked up as. It's... fine. Just fine. Does it have a sudden quality spike at some point or are people just hit with a ton of nostalgia for this thing?

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Nobody said it's the best game of all time.

It's the best game in the RE series, or atleast it used to be until RE2 Remake came out.

at the time, it could have been argued as one of the best games around, not quite as much today with how much games have advanced good thing theyre remaking it

you have the benefit of 16 years of hindsight and progression.

In 2004 this was something completely fucking new and redefined how to do TPS games.

I don't think its the best game ever made but I understand why others would especially if it was their sweetheart game in their formative years.

It's amazing, great atmosphere, great action, controls are a bit wanky but you get used to them, stop trying to play it like a traditional TPS dumb zoomer.

It was a timed exclusive for the GC so it was a lot of people's first RE game. The GOAT claims are hyperbolic, the game is janky and easy to cheese.

>easy to cheese.
Doesnt make it any less better. ALL souls games are easy to cheese, yet they're universally praised.
Going out of your way to make things easier for you is entirely optional and up to the player, thus it doesnt hinder the game's reputation.

It's the RE for people who never were fans of RE.
Imagine if Ninja Gaiden 4 became Kingdom Hearts.

It's the best game of all time. Deal with it faggot.

>tank controls

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I don't know. It was pretty great for its time but there was a perfect chain of events that just snowballed into it becoming this sacred cow that you're not allowed to give any less than a perfect 10/10 score.
At the time that it came out, I remember really liking it, but only considering it a 7 or 8 out of 10. I didn't have access to the internet for a while, so I was really surprised (especially later on into the 2010's) to discover that many people considered it one of the greatest games of all time. I'm willing to admit that it might boil down to personal preference and that I'm probably in the minority, but I still feel there is a massive bandwagon dynamic going on here.

All the problems you are describing are literally the same category of problem. And it's not a problem. The limitations of tech at the time that is the best they could do. For it's time it was the best game of all time.

Souls games also have issues and their merits are exaggerated.

I doubt op understands your metaphor.

it's just perfectly paced with moments of intense action separated by quiet exploratory sections. It also doesn't waste your time like modern games, no unskippable walk and talk sections, no forced platforming, no mandatory cutscenes. The weapon variety is great as well, with all weapons having their own purpose and identities through their unique upgrades. It's just a very well designed game.

Hopefully that stuff is retained in the remake.

The beggining inst the greatest the middle of it is great also new game plus is satisfying as fuck

Learn to game zoomer

Dude you're a pleb. Trust me. You wouldn't get it even if I tried explaining it to you.

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>It's the RE for people who never were fans of RE
Unironically true, but it also got me into the franchise and made me play the others
Yet, 5 and 6 are even worse offenders and even LESS of a RE game than 4.

Dude are you fucking kidding me? Super mario brothers? Only 2 fucking buttons? Seriously sprites? Wtf is this 1980?

I really do not get why people have a problem with the controls. They work in almost perfect harmony with the content. Only thing I would add is real-time weapon switching.

Are you not using the quick turn enough?

Plebs think RE4 is a good game.

Fuck now i wanna play re4. Ive gone from smt nocturne to kane and lynch to drakengard 3 to re4. I just cant decide. I need to smoke weed after i start a game next time.

>hating on RE4
What the fuck happened to this board?

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The controls really were perfect for what they were going for

It hasn't aged well at all. Just about every third person shooter made since RE4 has surpassed it, usually without dozens of obnoxious QTEs.

I'm not having too much trouble with them, but strafing is sorely missed. The AI is braindead enough that it's only an issue in boss fights when you're trapped in a tiny area with a big flailing guy. Just killed the trenchcoat dude and it was a bit annoying, but only took two tries. I'm willing to forgive a little clunk in older games, but it's definitely noticeable.

I think replies like mostly lend credence to the nostalgia explanation.

zoomers, fortnite, cod

plebs think plebs think re4 is a good game

For the time it came out it basically revolutionized how TPS games are designed and played. Almost every modern TPS game has its mechanical and design roots traced back to this game. Its also just fun and silly and well paced, despite essentially being a long ass escort mission

True, in middle school none of my friends knew what re4 was. They thought it was based on the films! Once they played it at my house, they all bought there own copy. Lot of good all nighter sleepovers playing re4. Fuck, i miss being a kid.

Contrarianism took over

Naw after killing ol fuck trenchcoat man it get better you start getting more guns the enemies do get a bit harder and the amount of collectables and things open in the castle and like said new game plus is dope

I wanna play this game so bad but there isn't steam deals

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And whats the greatest tps now? VANQUISH MOTHA FUCKA!!!!!!

RE4 is the epitome of that repetitive dopamine feedback loop those other games found success in.

I don't think anyone considers it best ever.

It's definitely near the top of the third person shooter genre though, and I say it holds it's own against more advanced entries just because of it's own design. I really dont have any complaints with it.

pirate it
the capcom that made this game no longer exists

The atmosphere is still top tier for me in RE4, which games also do a good atmosphere like this? Already played TEW1 and 2.

Its on Xbox

This one has even better atmosphere.

Attached: REmake 2.png (600x600, 161.95K)

Dead space 1/2

I played it last year and absolutely loved it. Great pacing, great gunplay and feel, well-designed setpieces, chessy and fun plot, and its quotable as hell. Definitely worth the hype.

Played em
Dead space 1 truly did that RE4 atmosphere. I will never forgive EA bros.

It isn't even a RE game

c'mon, 3 does too. The current-time storyline is pretty bad but the areas you're wandering in and the outpost backstory are creepy and great. Especially that underground city ruin.

Yea fucking sucks how shit 3 was

Every pre-RE4 mainline entry was better except for Zero.

Naw 3 really didnt do it for me outside the section with bling guys every other area felt dumb or non spoopy

What the fuck even is this comment?
In what possible way is RE4 any more similar to those games than any other game?
