Hippodrome has no games

Hippodrome has no games

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An this had both + an elephant.

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Chariot Race got 11 GOTY awards and is the highest rated game of all time along with Battleship and The Return of the Caesar
Checkmate Colosseumfags, enjoy your rehashed Gladiator Combat every year

Chariot race is so FUCKING GOOD that the opposing team supporters literally burnt the city down over the results of a race

Fucking Chariot hooligans.



This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever encountered in history. Literally a buncha low iq wheel-apes outdo the Latin crusaders and the turks and nuke their own city over a chariot race.

>Justinian, in despair, considered fleeing, but his wife Theodora is said to have dissuaded him, saying, "Those who have worn the crown should never survive its loss. Never will I see the day when I am not saluted as empress."[10] She is also credited with adding, "[W]ho is born into the light of day must sooner or later die; and how could an Emperor ever allow himself to be a fugitive."[11] Although an escape route across the sea lay open for the emperor, Theodora insisted that she would stay in the city, quoting an ancient saying, "Royalty is a fine burial shroud," or perhaps, "[the royal color] Purple makes a fine winding sheet."[12]
based Theo

>left in ruins
>survived and prospered until 1453
>a thousand year longer lifespan and use

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Holy fuck are you teling me Liverpool vs Arsenal already happened before?

The ruins on the left (Colosseum specifically) are due to an earthquake in the 14th century. It should have been repaired but that was the time of the antipope fuckery and by the time Rome became stable and rich again the taste for ancient ruins had settled in.
It was still used for public purposes just before that. No gladiators unfortunately.

It's tacked on in Domina, but you pretty much never touch it ever.

I thought Rome was left abandoned for like six hundred years or something, which is why Saint Patrick was canonized because he went all the way to Rome to save as much literature and science scrolls and books left to rot by the g*rmans.

False advertising, it barely has any hippos in it.
Is this by any chance made by Bethesda?

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Bruh you can emulate gladiator combat and barbarian battle on the hippodrome... Outside of two games no one really cares.
Naval warfare was an overhyped boring blunder, in the end.

Didn't Theodora ordered the city torched after she and most of the court and loyalists were walled off in the palace quarter ?

How many parades do you have in the Colosseum?
Checkmate gladiatorfags.

Hippodrome levels were shit.

How many naval battles happened in the Hippodrome? Hippodrones ought to fuck off.

The coliseum series has received so much more in the way of updates and dev support that it’s not even funny

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For comparison

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what the fuck is that?

How does she feel getting raped in every holes by dirty commoners later?

>Narses went directly to the Blues' section, where he approached the important Blues and reminded them that Emperor Justinian supported them over the Greens. He also reminded them that Hypatius, the man they crowned, was a Green. Then, he distributed the gold. The Blue leaders spoke quietly with each other and then they spoke to their followers. Then, in the middle of Hypatius' coronation, the Blues stormed out of the Hippodrome. The Greens sat, stunned.

Nice rainbow faggot
Colosseum more like Colonoscopy

She was an ex-whore, she's used to it

Madison square garden

Did you know that your hippocampus contains no hippos?

You got it all wrong. It's the """"Hippos""""" who are doing the false advertising. Hippopotamuses don't look like river horses.

Who's your favorite emperor bros? For me it's Marcus Aurelius.

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Fucking this.

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>Marcus Auredditius

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Based beyond measure.

Now that you mention it, I did find it weird how my doctor knows nothing about hippos despite taking that oath while my vet was a lot more knowledgeable.

As for me, Commodus, Nero and Caligula.

>fag who granted citizenship to all non-roman free men


>Chariot Race confirmed for Colosseum

yes humans have barely changed my man

looks like it has one

m8 the shit we are going through right now and argue about on the daily is literally, LITERALLY the same shit the roman populace was on about back in the day. We are exactly the same now as we were then.

DeadRising Beta.jpg

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>what a pathice catamite!
wow wtf how can he say that live?

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Chariot Race is a much better exclusive, every single exclusive Colosseum has is just a different variation of people fighting
Enjoy your inferior port with cut features, reminder that Hippodrome chariots have two horses each but Colosseum can only fit one horse per chariot as well as shorter track


>grants citizenship
>just so he can tax more of them
>Bamboozles the Parthians and kills their whole ruling family
>Literally dabs on the bodies of egyptians
>loves the legions
>hates all other men

He is literally the patron emperor of Yas Forums. No other emperor embodies our pettiness or hatred.

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>not based Retiarius

You can't beat the NET bro.

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For me, it's the Spatha

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>Game has a fucking dragon
It's HIPPOdrome, not DRACOdrome you fucking hacks, no wonder Data East died.

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imagine living in a shithole that doesn't have a colosseum and an hippodrome

the races were highly political. still retarded but it wasnt just autistic sports fanatics

>Be 8yrs old me
>Wake up on Christmas morning
>Run down the stairs to open my presents
>See huge box
>Open it
>"Ballgame stadium"
T-thank you Santa...

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