Lets build a Yas Forumsillage

Welcome to Haven and Hearth, the open world wilderness survival sandbox MMO where you carve an existence out of the unforgiving wild and grind until you die! We are getting together Yas Forumsillagers to build a collaborative settlement.

This game is set in Bronze age Europe and has an enormous map, many hundreds of animal and plant species, terrains, buildings and a massive, intricate crafting tree. You can be a farmer, a hunter, tailor, gardener, miner, healer, forager, or simply a wandering hermit.

Information you need to know

Hop onto the discord group to join us.



>Amber custom client


You will also need to download 64 bit Java as that is what the game is written in



>How Do I? section of the forums


>Common guide for new players


>How do I start playing
1. Join the discord group discord.gg/vdhycD
1. Download the game and custom client, it is recommended to play it at least once before starting up the custom client
2. An account is needed to play on this game, you will need to make one on the website, everything is free and you cannot pay2win
3. You will notice yourself in an odd character creation room, talk to everyone by right clicking and once your character is made find the skull near the graveyard and type in the password given in the discord group. DO NOT enter the fire until you've entered the password, or else you will spawn in a random part of the world.

Attached: hafen.png (800x572, 764.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Our shitty camp so far

Attached: Degenerates.png (768x422, 689.66K)

This looks pretty cool user. Sell me a bit more. What do you like about it best? What do you not like about it?

Same, I like to hear more about it

>open world
Just kys

It's the only game I've played that makes me feel like I'm living another life. Many other games blend together into one memory, but in this one I remember everything. Fleeing from homicidal Russians players with my comrades, working together to hunt grizzly bear with the few primitive weapons we can afford to cobble together, planning and building a settlement with everyone. What I don't like about it is the Devs trying to do everything by themselves, they're a pair of eccentric Finnish dudes who don't think it's important to make the game user-friendly.

Attached: 1db8ed1d621718b6d57d85fabf736c05.jpg (1304x852, 1.29M)

The other con is that the graphics can look really bad when you zoom in close. With the camera out it's not that bad. Again, the Devs try to do all the art themselves for some reason

Attached: 0MtSq.jpg (1910x842, 332.33K)

wasnt this posted a lot on Yas Forums before

On the other hand, there is a weird kind of beauty to the world. You can spend hours making a journey over the huge map, wandering through forests, swamps, grasslands, mountains, decaying settlement and thriving villages

Attached: bpfiP2c.jpg (1680x924, 647.35K)

wait. it's in 3d?! the trailer didn't show that.

You are probably looking at the old 2D version from the early 2000. Since then the game has been massively revamped to 3D

This is one of the nicer villages we built with my group in 2014

Attached: Screen Shot 2015-11-08 at 4.10.47 PM.png (1036x644, 1.36M)

Looks great user. I may join one day. How big is your group?

This seems AIDS.

Just me and my girlfriend, we only started a week ago. She was almost left alone after I nearly died last night from a nasty snake bite that took me down to 2% of my HP

Attached: Alone.png (1713x872, 3.48M)

How nolifey is it? Can I have casual fun or is it like rust or ORS

I remember this game from 2011 when it had different graphics. It's hard to play it, but it can create unique experience other games can't do. If only I had strength to start it and not drop after few days...

Why is building a home and being a farmer such a universally comfy experience many people seek to replicate? Is it in our genes or something?

a simple, self-sustaining life can give you total peace of mind

The world is your oyster, you can do what you want. Just like real life. You can certainly play this casually, or go crazy like Russians tend to do. My theory is this game is a form of escapism for Russians, their real life must be destitute.

This is a screenshot of me visiting my friendly neighbor at her cottage right now. I'm in the little rowboat, her ship is way bigger and fancier.

Attached: Bigship.png (768x406, 711.17K)

Huh neat.

The discord link is down

This one?

Terraforming. You can shape the earth, dig down and dig up. Even build mines and structures several stories down. Some people try to build Moria

Attached: 2905a678a26c6a3d250287cc0a43a45c.png (514x387, 475.97K)

It's honestly quite nolife and most villages hemorrhage players after a couple of weeks when the major tasks have been completed and the grind sets in.

its not set in bronze age europe you stupid fucking retard. there is STEEL in it. you are a dumb fuck who knows nothing about this game you shit eating faggot. fuck you

Can I be a wizard though?

A healer, and something of a medicine man shaman yes. Magic in this game is more subtle than say, WOW

I suppose, most people on Yas Forums are wizards already anyways.

No battle magic?

last time i played this, long long ago... Russians could tp and onehit kill anything naked, so what changed besides the graphics?

The Russians in our neighborhood happen to be nice. One came by one horseback last night and gave me some vegetables

You can teleport home if they knock your ass out now and I think they can't one-hit all but the weakest/injured characters. The real danger is on the sea, multiple people in a boat attacking your boat while you are in it will smash that thing to pieces and leave you to quickly drown. There is no knock out escape in the water.

Is this a 2D game?

The old version is 2D, which is probably what you are finding on google.

The new version is 3D. You can move the camera all around

Attached: 1421792754619.png (1600x837, 1.13M)

That's the old 2D game. Someone building a mansion in an underground mine