That's it, they finallu fucking got him. Never thought I'd see this day anons.
if he swears allegiance to trump he's welcome to Yas Forums anytime
>twitter thread
>literal who e-celeb
>literal what event
no one is able to go to EVO this year anyways so does it really matter
>an lengthy
I'm Mexican and I'm amazed that murrikans don't know how to write in their own language
hes now literally DSP but black, both dipped out of the FGC
>an lengthy
Your opinion doesn't matter tripfag
I'm more surprised he wasn't banned earlier.
>relevant ever since it got rid of melee
LTG is pretty based, but this was inevitable. The guy is too real for subhuman trannies, fatties, furries and jannies.
This. LTG is known for harassment.
He wasn't even good at the games he tried to play anyway, who cares? Some fucking coon isn't going to get to drop out of pools off-stream, what a loss to the community.
weren't tourneys canceled anyways?
He'll be fine
So what did he do? Call someone a nigger? Because I don't think there's anything he hasn't called somebody.
As a tripfag you really have no place to complain.
>anonymous opinions mattering
Don't you have to git gud to qualify on EVO, I mean why ban him when the door was enough to stop him?
>A Meleebaby is seething.
Take a shower
He isnt even an EVO tier player. All they are doing is giving him free attention and that's why he acts like he does. Guy was 100% right though with what he said even if he is a rage quitting faggot himself.
>fgc niggers/trannies
Fuck the west
Their lolis are shit
Nah you can get into the pools just by paying.
imagine defending lowtiergod
just imagine being that worthless
It was because of some tranny he insulted.
LTG is literally the demoman of the streamers
American trannies are particularly disgusting
If they didn't ban him for making fun of a literal cripple and calling him half a man then I have no idea what kind of shit he did to get himself banned this time
I hate trannys more
It would be cool if he could back up the persona by actually being good. Too bad he's a shit at pretty much every game he plays.
Told a tranny to get that dick slit
no worries, Ultimate got it covered
Insulted a tranny
Was it the fucking video?
He should had been banned for being a trash player and a salty cunt, not for offending a schizo faggot. That is the problem.
he dared to bantz with one of our tranny overladies. Obviously he deserves to be banned for life for this.
Well he lost to that cripple so it was even funnier.
He's never gone after a tranny before. Black people are allowed to attack everyone except for trannies and jews.
does it even matter? evo is cancelled and fgc tournaments are being ran by trannies just like speedrunning tournaments.
He deserves it. He was being transphobic. Kids watch that content, he should know better.
Think of the children.
LTG could be really entertaining if he wasn't a crybaby quitter and stopped treating people like shit.
Funny though they only ban him after he insults trannies, not after he made all kinds of filthy comments about people for a decade and called BrolyLegs a "specimen". Disingenuous scumbags
do video games turn men into trannies?
>LTG banned
>Gllty banned
>Floe banned
FGC as whole is fucking dead fuck Joey Culler and these absolute fucks who identity politics than enjoy gaming.
Filter every tripfag
>fgc uncles
sounds like homo slang
Gommenasai is a fucking god.
he said that trannies that don't cut their dick are scared pussies
Evo? Isn't that some Smash event?
You almost had me there user
imagine getting triggered this hard
Why is floe banned?
Cero must be blowing the Wizard real good
Watching people play video games is kind of pathetic. And following their everyday life and following them on twitter and posting about it here is like the lowest of the low.
Reminder LTG is already eternally BTFO
Boogie2988 detected.
Stuff like this only makes people hate trannies more.
When you see someone dare to say anything but complete bootlicking praise about then getting censored, banned from events etc it only makes people more hostile. Glad to see it.
Probably anime. The war against the west never ended for Japan
And what did he do?
Honestly anyone that knows LTG should know his saltiness is just a fucking ruse/act. Yeah he goes overboard personally insulting individuals but his whole schtick is losing and taking his loss rage out on his opponents on shit that have nothing to do with the match. I would still be his friend and even if he personally insulted me I wouldn't be offended
>Floe banned
wait what? I thought he was just too fat to leave his house
Gllty banned? What? That's transphobic
Yes think of the children who might want to take hormones and mutilate their genitals in attempt to become the opposite sex. Can't let them know thats crazy.
What's the tranny solution Yas Forums? They're definitively defective humans that reduce any discourse to being about them and how tranny they are, while actively trying to prevent other people from participating.
Why are we all too lazy to just make our own organization that has a dress code because trannys are unpleasant.
Blacks can say nigger no probs and cracka organisers dont want to tell a black guy when to say nigger
he went after trannies tho he fucked up
Now they just have to ban B
i respect tripfags more than i do shitposters
and that is saying a LOT
Obese. Lose weight.
ceroblast is such a fucking faggot. so glad it gets no twitch views
Not gonna watch any video, what did he do/say?
When the fuck was floe banned?
>literal tripfag
>literal dicksucking tripfag
Good Riddance! dood only uses EVO, for networking and clout. Although there might not be an EVO this year. This will fuck him up for in the future. Good Riddance Dale.
You say that but one of those listed is a tranny to begin with
why is evo so racist?
Told a tranny to go split their dick or they're just a man in a dress
autism and social propaganda turns men into trannies
>no twitch views
lol, his viewercount has tripled since this thing started.
painfully based post
literally looks like a doom enemy
Nope, just pay the entry fee. All Mcrib did was deny himself like fifty bucks.
jej american trannies are literally a protected class/first class citizens, blacks/women are second class and white men are third
Its wild that Americans would lament Chinas authoritarian regime and social media credit score bullshit but the same shit transpires in America everyday and everyone's for it. Make a politically incorrect joke on twitch and get banned from Make a joke, get deplatformed, retweet the wrong person, get fired.
I don't give a fuck about LTD and don't even know what he said but banning people for their conduct elsewhere is some totalitarian bullshit, like literally totalitarian.
So is the order
White people > huge power gap > asians >other minorities > black people > Tranies > another power gap > Jews
They cant ban him because that be racist
Put your trip back on faggot
>ltg is truscum
omg no :((((((((
Can any post the things he said that got him banned?