>Yas Forums tells you a game is shit
>it's actually fucking amazing
What's her name, Yas Forums?
>Yas Forums tells you a game is shit
>it's actually fucking amazing
What's her name, Yas Forums?
Shit games Yas Forums memed me into playing
>Dragon's Dogma
>Super Metroid
>Ocarina of Time
>Alpha Protocol
>Fallout 2
>FEAR (awesome gunplay but shit everything else)
Actually good games played because of Yas Forums
>Deus Ex
>System Shock 2
>Fallout 1 and NV
>Dark Souls 2
>Dead Rising
Games Yas Forums regularly shits on that are actually good
>Max Payne 3
>Resident Evil 0
>Crysis sequels
solid list
Literally who told you it was bad? I’m gonna have a word with him.
nice bait, have a free bump
You're gay
Most of Yas Forums never said Max Payne 3 was shit, they just mostly complained about the lack of gameplay.
>>Yas Forums tells you a game is shit
Why does v love Nintendo and hate Rockstar so much?
MP3 is garbage though
You guys live in made-up reddit universes that exist only in your heads.
No such thing. Yas Forums is always right.
Unless it's some Yas Forums insurgency shit, but that's not Yas Forums so that doesn't count.
kill yourself normalfaggot
If you hate MP3 you hate it for the cutscenes and the story direction. If you hate the shooting though you are a super pleb and if you mention that it has a cover feature you never played the game as you can complete the whole game without using it once playing just like MP1 and 2.
mp3 really nailed the fact brazilians are disgusting trash
Pure cringe.
People who think that noire has to be nighttime, dark alleys, detectives, and rain are the same people that flipped out at the cyberpunk reveal having daylight.
>slow, 4 weapon limit
Get out
absolutely based OP MP3 is one of my all time favourites
>reddit universes
People who eat rockshit thinking that gta spin off has anything to do with mp are the same people who vidut reddit.
ah yes, mp1&2 - where the enemies camp in corners. riveting
>taking recommendations from Yas Forums
This place only cares for waifu trash.
the game has no levels, only shootouts followed immediately by cutscenes
if you remove the cutscenes from the game (there's a mod for that) it makes no sense
just teleporting between arenas and shooting people
Still better than retarded claustrophobic rockshit.
>actually good games played because of Yas Forums
Strange, I thought this game were hated here?
stfu retard
It's made by slavs therefore it must be good!
Funny how the oposite is also true.
Skyrim was the first walking simulator and Yas Forums loves it.
It's more accurate to its gun-kata origins. You see him actually have to handle the firearms. If you want to pick up a two handed weapon without a sling and have two handguns you gotta drop one to keep the shotgun in your offhand. It blends perfectly with the shoot dodging. So yes, you are a pleb. Also the game is only slow if you play it slow.
hes right, fags praise nier for its "story" and "writing" nonstop
Not a bad list
>implying not slow
>gta engine
What the fucking faggot
weebs and virgins, it's pretty obvious with how many threads are FF related