It's time to talk about the greatest JRPG ever made

It's time to talk about the greatest JRPG ever made

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The second act was a letdown though.

Okay, what's your favorite ending in Chrono Trigger?

Started it today.The dialogue is kinda slow,but the combat is fun so i'm gonna stick with it.Is it grindy?

Thats not Suikoden though?


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the one with the lizards

only a couple of parts, and even then not very much so. I know people say this about every game they like, but it genuinely gets better as you get through the game until disk 2

The game really starts to get good once you get past the tower of Babel. CD1 has way too much padding and filler, and CD2 doesn't have enough. The story is phenomenal though

But there are dozens of threads about it every hour

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>ff7 babby

Remember to upgrade all your mechs in the final part of the game

That’s not Star Ocean 2

That's trash

Imagine going through life with such a backassward opinion

it good

Speak for yourself faggot

Shit game is shit

My brother of different mother

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Does it have random battles?

To the point of jumping fustration...literally.

Okay but why dind't you post a picture of the Last Remnant then+

yes, if that's a problem for you that kinda makes you a faggot

Okay then.

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The one where Marle finds out she's half frog because Frog said fuck it, soloed magus, then went home to fuck the queen because fuck ya

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It feels like it. I started playing the game a couple months ago, but I haven't touched it in about a month since I got bored in the prison. It seems to have a lot of ups and downs. Also got tired of the endless dialogue.

dream team ending of course!

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>not CT or FFVI

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might just not be for you honestly. Gears are cool though


It's really hard to get into honestly. I had to restart it 4 times before I could finally make it past the slog that is Nortune. CD1 has WAY too much padding, and I'm honestly kinda glad they ran out of budget because I can't imagine CD2 having as much padding as CD1. That's probably the game's biggest downfall is how padded out it is. CD1 alone is about 40-50 hours, CD2 is maybe 4-5 hours. It's definitely worth playing though. Once you get to Solaris, the game's story gets good, and I mean really really really good.

Maybe. I've liked other dialogue heavy games, I've been playing RPGs for 25 years, but Xenogears feels like it desperately needed an editor. Only other Xeno games I've played are Xenoblade 1 years ago, which I liked, and Xenoblade 2 which I couldn't finish.

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