Low Tier God was banned from EVO and CEO for life, after slightly criticizing the transgender community

Low Tier God was banned from EVO and CEO for life, after slightly criticizing the transgender community.
Using wrong pronouns will result in lifetime bans.

Attached: LTG.gif (280x158, 1.51M)

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>EVO and CEO
ohh noooo

Of course it will. This is power. Because leftists LIKE that. Double standards are wonderful tools of victory.

Fucking stupid conservatives, how is it that you keep thinking you are smarter then leftists, but cannot see how more intelligent and malicious they are? Yet you keep tolerating them. You simply don't understand leftists. If leftists decided that the flat earth is a leftists belief and that a "round" Earth was a fascists belief, you rightists would start up every argument with them "look, I'm not saying the Earth is round, but you have clear double standards", and you will lose. This seems to be something rightists really have a hard time of understanding, if the shape of the Earth somehow became a political debate and the left thought it was flat, they would win.

If you keep tolerating pseudoscience and their narratives, then they win. We should not live in a world where organizations like this can push their far left politics. Even the fucking rom translation scenes are being controlled by people who are no different from Soviet censorship boards. You cannot be apolitical against such people.

But no, you rightists keep thinking leftists are "misguided, just stupid". That they deserve a "voice", that reason will help you win.

have sex

Ok incel.

Well said. The world is in a very shitty place right now.
It's strange too, because LTG has been saying every racial slur in the book for years, and no one bats an eye. Yet this was enough to get him banned for life.

This is what happens when adults participate in a hobby for children.

>e-celeb drama


Niggers are allowed to say "nigger".

to be fair, LTG is a garbage manchild who only has a fanbase because he's the least-ugly basketball american in fighting games, and basketball americans love fighting so much they need to play games about it when they aren't doing it for real

Who gives a fuck?

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Current gen of fighting games are all shit, and it's just going to get worse.


We should just flame the trannies and say that they hate him because he's black and that they're racists and then watch as these people eat each other up


It impacts everyone on this board who may consider attending EVO in the future.

Get your dick split.

>slightly criticizing
>wrong pronouns will result in lifetime bans
why are you lying?
>e-celeb drama

"Just chop off your dick you fucking coward"
>slightly criticizing the lgbt community
I'm all for people cultivating a thick skin and being able to handle some banter but this wasn't slightly criticizing anything, user...

Shit list. Just how new are you?


Who is we? This is an anonymous imageboard, not a community.

>It impacts everyone on this board who may consider attending EVO in the future.

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>fighting game cuckolds

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holy fuck that video is hilarious, he's unironically right

Lol nice. Hopefully the youtube channel is banned next


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Not like the event will happen and even then LTG will drown in pools anyway.

Furry Gay Cuckolds


Stunts like this will only hurt the trans community. It's appeasing a small group of already converted people, and making a larger group angry.

Who would consider that, though?


at the end of the day free speech wasn't killed by a fascist government but by the people themselves.

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I disagree with ltg, tranny's should keep their dick.


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They gotta make an example of some black people so the rest fall in line

How do these fringe subhumans represent "the people"?

i'm surprised he got away with it for this long seeing as he says faggot pretty much every stream



Most trannies are horrible, manipulative, spiteful people and deserve the hate.


you arent allowed to talk shit about trannies or e-celebs who talk shit about trannies on this board please go back to your janny approved oneyplays and dunkey threads

Does this really effect him? He can't actually play fighting games decently, people only watch him to see him say stupid shit and fail, like DSP.

Can't he sue them for violating 1st Amendment?


Didn't this negro die?


the best fighting game moment in history was him getting smacked down in a tournament

It's called having principles. If we use their dishonest tactics to win then what's the point.

How did LTG go from an obnoxious saltnog to the most based e-celeb of our time?

LTG is right. Trannies are just fetishists who watched too much shemale porn.

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you need to be 18 to post here


Nah it's calling showing the enemy they're hypocritical fucks.

link to the video please?


>bans people for talking shit about him on his stream
>gets banned from Evo and CEO


Based. Kill every leftist fuck.

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>slightly criticizing

Look, I hate SJWs just as much as next guy, but get real.

Except that if you're mentally stable you'd want to fuck the tranny, not become the tranny and get fucked in the ass

This fucking retard

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can someone link me to the video and what he says

meanwhile DSP finished 4th at EVO and has a hot bikini model wife

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The fgc and fighting games in general are a fucking joke now, and a dying one at that. Even the biggest spergs, smashfags, are accepting trannies.

You're not fooling anyone, tranny



Even his previous girlfriend was prettier

Get out. I'm over 18 and EVO and CEO banning a person for hating trannies violates 1st Amendment.

1st Amendment is free speech where you can say whatever the fuck you want and EVO and CEO were not allowing free speech thus dude get banned for hating trannies thus EVO and CEO violated the Amendment thus they should be sued for it.

why are pedes so obsessed with trannies?

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>fucking a tranny instead of an actual woman