Balmora, home...
Balmora, home
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My house in up those stairs and on the right of that guard tower.
Balmora looks like *THAT*!?
I just slept in guild halls like some poorfag until some nice cat made me her very special friend.
Balfiera > Balmora
Next OpenMW update when?
I always killed Ra'virr and took over his shop.
No one wants to buy from some mangy cat anyway.
would you a kot?
Not a boring ass Ohmes, no.
what if she has a barbed penis?
syke! here's your orders, agent.
The field of bone, home....
working on the farm..
Balmora... home
>takes two real life hours to cross a bridge
>replay Morrowind and swear I'm going to play through Bloodmoon this time
>get all the OP items and make a 100pt jump ring to make travelling easier
>get bored because the game loses all challenge and realize there's no reason to keep doing quests
This happens to me in all TES games. My minmax autism can't be contained
I know the feel.
Not that skyrim is that good with progression but it still spoiled me to the point that I can't grind through morrowind anymore
soon. there haven't been any new nightly builds in a while and the milestone tracker is fully completed. sadly there were some things they had to postpone adding, though.
i just beat bloodmoon for the first time the other day
started a fresh nord barbarian and went straight to solstheim no diversions
werewoof powers are gonna be great for assassinating n'wahs
To be fair Bloodmoon and Tribunal are massive drags anyway, nowhere near the sheer amount of soul the main island of fantasy Australia has.
download openmw, edit the openmw_settings_window.layout file in OpenMW 0.4X > resources > mygui folder, find the "difficulty" section, change the -100 and 100 values to whatever you want, the important one is the positive value. I set it to like 500 and every time I level up I increase it by 5 or 10. eventually you can turn it down if you have to cause it starts to scale really nastily the higher you get. I think 100 difficulty is you deal 6x less damage and take 6x more, so at 200 difficulty you'll be doing 12x less damage, taking 12x more, which is a little much. good fucking luck
I mean DAMN they don't call em the cursed race for nothing look how UGLY they are!!
at least they aint shitskins
I just want to play Bloodmoon so I can play the Solstheim DLC from Skyrim without feeling like I'm missing out.
I also want to play Tamriel Rebuilt someday but I don't really see the point when there's already so much content on the main game.
Turning cliffracers into tanks seems like the opposite of fun.
I tried gimmick builds like using hand-to-hand and unarmored but it just made every fight last longer because enemies basically had 2 health bars.
Bloodmoon and Tribunal are much harder than the main game, so you might find a challenge there even if you're destoying everything in the main game. Unless you have broken OP stats from alchemy or something, but then you can only blame yourself.