Star Citizen

Star Citizens fans are waking up to the scam after large delays to a major patch's contents.
Image from their official forum, which they often censor by banning any criticism. The entire forum is filled with people posting negative things about the project which is quite rare.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh no bro, you're gonna summon the /vg/ schizoids claiming they got their $5000 worth of gameplay...

cultists getting overwhelmed with newcomers who bought into the scam at the end of 2019

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>/vg/ schizoids
that general been dead for months

everyone that bought into this deserves it

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you could call someone that samefags this hard about something he has no involvment in a cultist too but we're on Yas Forums so no proper discussion can be had anyway

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I've just invested 100€ like 5 years ago and I'm happy with the fun I've had in the alphas so far.

I visited that place a few times whenever a new Citizencon showed up nothing but bullshit and they always were hyping it like the deluded cultists they were.

get one of the thousand Yas Forums extensions for your browser grandpa. 6 unique IP's in 7 responses. you dumb fuck

You might be "laughing"(coping) now, but give it a couple years for when the games comes out and you will come crawling back to Star Citizen. While you float around in your poverty ""ship"" i'll be soaring in my cruiser. When you barely make it to a moon station to refuel and stock up, you'll be paying ME to use the facilities because I was smart enough to buy that moon a couple years ago for a few hundred bucks. After a few thousand hours when you have enough money to buy some land, good luck finding anything not garbage, because people like me invested in all of the good real estate ages ago.

>schizoids shows up as soon as someone is being mean to chris roberts' scam
Every time

I actually have a titan package in Chris' scam, take your meds

May I become your space barman on your space ship and mix space cocktails in real time?

Damn these whalebait posts are getting so real it's hard to know if people like are joking or not.

What if i only spent like 30 bucks like 8 years ago?

thats 30 bucks lost. you could have got 10 snickers for this

>May I become your space barman on your space ship and mix space cocktails in real time?

Don't you scam-a-me

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There are going to be documentaries about this scam. There's might be lifetime jail sentences. Is this the biggest scam since ENRON? It's got more money behind it than fucking Grand Theft Auto 5 and they're blowing through it at incredible speeds with nothing to show for it but something that Elite Dangerous surpassed in 1/4th the time and 1/20th the budget.

Even the people who spent thousands on ships that don't exist are starting to realize they made a mistake. Can't wait to watch the lawsuit. This board needs a ToRtanic 2.0.

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>game gets so little content they couldn't sustain a general in a place where /ksg/ and /ddlc/ still exist

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Lol, the only people excited to participate in that pay to win shit fest are casuals like you who have to buy their way to victory. I'll be busy playing games where skill is king, not money.

>pay more than the full price of a typical game
>get less than a full game

its looks like they realized the money from hopeful people wouldnt last forever and are finally setting realistic goals towards a release date
the only ones to blame are the people who funded it

we don't talk about Kerbal Yas Forums Program

I fucking hear that picture.
I once again hear it.

>most ambitious game ever
>Yas Forums wants it to fail
I would feel sorry for you but I'm having too much fun playing this.

How much did you pay?

Oh man, they might have to delay the release date due to this whole virus pandemic. What a shame, it's so close to releasing too.

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shh, you can't talk about ker[REDACTED]

I know, right.

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>This board needs a ToRtanic 2.0.
something that completely and irreversibly reduces the overall quality of the board while the thing everyone thought they were making fun of goes on to be profitable and successful?

pretty sure thats katawa shuojo, not catfuckerprogram

Give me a quick rundown on what happened to Kerbal

you just don't understand game development

Newfag here. Someone could finally explain to me why ToRtanic was such a big deal here?
I can go on like this all day.
Being an originalfag from 2003 has it's pros (and many cons)

The people who kept making /kspg/ accidentally doxxed one of the jannies, so they permabannned it from the entire board. Kind of like what happened to homestuck and how it was banned, even from /trash/.

it wasn't

it was eventually reduced to a handful of psuedo-tripfags that, one day, decided to shitpost so hard the /vg/ mods decided to permanently blacklist their general from the board
i had a fairly concise writeup for it but that was probably over a year ago at this point
found it

>Massive amounts of off-topic shitposting that persisted for months
>one guy who was only posting random yuri pics, one guy who was only posting pictures of snakes, one guy who was only posting videos of him molesting his cat, one guy posting the same pastas over and over again every single thread, one guy who had a severe mental disorder who would argue for hundreds of posts at a time
>the final thread that hit the bump limit got filled with about 200 posts of pokemon porn and real horsecocks, after that the mods nuked it from orbit and set any thread with /kspg/ in the name/subject to autosage on creation.
>Allegedly the people in that thread spammed the shit out of other parts of the board sometime before or when that happened but I couldn't find any evidence of that, but I've heard that even mentioning /kspg/ can get the jannies on your ass
>tl;dr what happens when all of the "normal" posters leave a general thread and all that's left are the mentally insane, degenerates and massive attention whores

Taking an unfinished area out of the game because it sucked is one thing, removing so many mechanics for no good reason isn't "how development goes" at all.
>t. dev

And just how much of a return on investment did you get?