Surely I can't be the only one who is excited for this

Surely I can't be the only one who is excited for this

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No, all the shiteating Blizzdrones are.

well no maybe there's like 3 other people

I don't care about your opinion.

You can be and you are.

Its just a new gamemode and PVE aint it? Why would you be excited for that?

You are, and don't call me surely.

its just the fucking archives events but now you have to pay for them
i was hoping it was at least some kind of destiny style expansion with a overworld and you get get different gear for your characters, like giving roadhog a minigun or something but its just the same exact fucking shit. looks awful, its not even comparable to l4d or anything at all. who the hell would actually pay a dime for this?

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Oh boy more pve

Is that a BLU scout?

You are.

You are. I’m only excited to see it die off like the first one.

>friends have an absolute bottom of the barrel standard for games
>have gone through multiple droughts where we're playing old, tired as fuck boring shit since overwatch came out
>STILL not desperate enough to boot it up again
>""""people still play overwatch"""""
If pajeets weren't payed top nickel to talk about this garbage it would have been literally forgotten about before it was a year old. Its relevance is the epitome of forced.

I'm excited for the boost of high quality OW porn were going to get

Attached: ow2scout.png (353x181, 118.39K)

I'm excited for all the new Tracer porn.

No I'm sure the official forums are dilating together over it everyday

most of the designs were ripped off from other things like anarchy reigns and fucking generic textbook characters so aping the scout for a background character isn't out of the question

Overwatch is the only game I've ever played as a grown man that has made me mad. The community in this game is dogshit. It is literally like playing with children. Spiteful, vindictive, and then every so often you come across the true masters of them all: the guys who will announce that because X didn't happen just so, they will be losing the game on purpose. I don't know what it is about this game, but it really did bring out the absolute worst in people.

This problem in and of itself is not fixable. You can't determine who can/cannot play your game. But brushing that aside, what exactly has Blizzard done in the entire development and update cycle of Overwatch that would have me put faith in them for 2? Nothing, nothing at all.
>But they listened to the players and added in role que!
People asked for that about a week after launch. Blizzard constantly jerks themselves off on Reddit, and the requests for role que were on the Overwatch reddit non-stop for years until the feature was added.

So no, I will not be playing this shit.

a skin pack

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porn game the sequel
really bold move of blizzard

>tfw no Mama Hong or McCloud ever

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wow this art is good wtf happen?

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>Mama Hong probably ended up being too racist for them.
Why is everything so fucking bullshit? I want to fuck old Asian women.

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Am I the only person on Yas Forums that still has fun with Overwatch?

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>that incredibly better omnic design for iris
>got uncanny valley echo instead
fucking why

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I like Overwatch but the PvE has always been trash, and this expansion does not seem to remedy that problem.

Well we all have guilty pleasures, I like League

Why are they calling it Overwatch 2 when it is demonstrably not a new game

They sure did fuck their artstyle. Thanks Jeff.


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We all know companies will start marketing expansions/dlc as sequels now. This is the future you chose.

Damn Luc looks great.

Once again, another shitty shill thread. End yourself.