You know why video games aren't art?

Because they can't convey complex emotions. All video games are based around simple repetitive gameplay, they can't make you feel anything more complex than basic bitch emotions.

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I dunno. God Hand gives me complex emotions when I play it.

>Because they can't convey complex emotions. All video games are based around simple repetitive gameplay, they can't make you feel anything more complex than basic bitch emotions.

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fuckin paint on the wall can't express jack shit it's just paint
this doesn't mean games are art, it just means the "science" of art is fucking retarded

tfw no egyptian catgirl gf

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>Because they can't convey complex emotions
Yes they can

op's post is art tough, because it gives everyone that reads it complex emotion of disgust at op's love for cock and cum

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>video games can't convey complex emotions
That's retarded fag, ever heard of a storyline? There's also games which are literally just interactive movies like the telltale games. If film is an art form, video games are objectively also art. There's also hardly any relevant difference between a story-based game and a 3D animated film.
You're gay

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>they can't make you feel anything more complex than basic bitch emotions.
you clearly haven't played Metro Exodus

Ebert pretty much summed it up years ago, if there was a version of Romeo and Juliet where you could make it so Romeo and Juliet don't die it would lose all meaning, interactivity is what defines a videogame, yet if given the choice no one would choose to fail for the sake of the story, videogames are power trips where you always win and the only time you don't is in cutscenes or other times your control on the outcome is taken away

They can be art, the issue is that they're not often conceived to communicate complex emotions, more often not they're conceived as products

ICO and Void literally proof you wrong.

Let me make it simple to know what is art and what isnt

Art has no other meaning then itself, you look at mona lisa and try to make meaning from it

If it has a function, itd not art like a hammer its function is to build or a cars function is to transport

If it has rules, goals, mechanics, objectives then its not art so games or video games arent art

Just because video games had an artist draw some levels or characters doesnt make it art, video games arent the sum of its part

You're just too young to understand the complexity in simple repetitive task.

Final Fantasy X is deeper than your average oil painting.

Video Games have all the advantages of literature, film, and stage. They can proudly use all the view point structures, motif, theme, metaphor, everything.

>t. never played Dragon's Dogma

>video games are power trips
>except all the times they're not


>art can't have rules
Try to read a book that doesn't use any known language. Or does literature not count as art?

The gameplay itself doesn't convey complex emotions, the cutscenes do. I can't believe you posted this unironically.

Why do video games need to be art?

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these pepe/wojaks are getting unsettling

>except all the times they're not videogames because they become non-interactive.

Aerith dies

>stops being a video game suddenly

>A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a two- or three-dimensional video display...

Apparently cutscenes ARE gameplay.

It's a stupid, reductive argument anyways. Some games can be art, intentionally or otherwise.

>contain basically every element of every other artform, writing, imagery, music, film
>not art because reasons
Think they're bad if you want they're still objectivly art

>they can't make you feel anything more complex than basic bitch emotions.

>james turner
is this Pokemon James Turner or some other fag?

They can convey much more complex emotions than staring at a painting can.
Also who cares if they are art or not? As long as they are enjoyable it's good.

Cope, Yas Forums or Yas Forums or /lit/fag

>videogames are power trips where you always win
Maybe the casual consoleshit enjoyed by fluorized smoothbrains. Play a shmup, nigger.

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>Everyone fell for this shitty bait

>video games aren't art
And that's a good thing!

Silent Hill (1, 2, 3, and 4 )fill me with all kinds of complex emotions from apprehension, to curiosity, to melancholy, to depression, to bittersweet emotions I can't even think of the words for.

Games are art. And just like art a large portion of them are fucking garbage and only a few hit high points. Its as simple as that. Once you break this barrier you also can laugh at those shitty artists like the banana taped to the wall guy. That shit is effortless and he probably just made up some fucking retarded bullshit for its "meaning" to create a false sense of value.

I agree.

There is no Evangelion of video games.

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