What's the easiest extra stage to start with as someone who only 1ccd on normal

What's the easiest extra stage to start with as someone who only 1ccd on normal

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The only extra stage I've managed to clear so far is EoSD, but that was with the hitbox patch

Why do extra bosses have the weird reputation of being disproportionally popular? Flan and Koishi have little releveance yet they're extremely popular for no rational reason

LLS, PCB, UFO, HSiFS and WBaWC are all piss easy.

Whoops sorry I suffer from mild retardation lol, I meant to say IN and MoF

I wouldn't recommend Mokou for a new player, some of her spells are bullshit. Suwako's a good pick, though.

Remilia grew up...

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Look at those fat tits.

Yeah PCB breaks my balls even more than all the other extras I've tried so far

Just spin with the swastika, bro. Circular movement.


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Probably EoSD. PCB's is extremely long despite it being the easiest game.
Take sakuya's pads off mistress!!

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I'm currently trying to clear my first extra boss (Flandre). I'm a bit stuck on "Counter Clock", but up until that spell, she is fairly manageable. She has a lot of "gimmick" spells that will kill you a few times but that don't pose much of a threat once you've figured them out.
That being said, I'm sure Flan still has a few nasty surprises for me, given that no one in this thread has said that she is easy...

>Probably EoSD.
> ... no one has said
Well, never mind. I'm gonna destroy that 500 year old baby bat now!

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Why do fans depicted her as hungry ghost?

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Her dialogue in IN, but I get the feeling that she can't consume much flesh or proper food in the nether world.

>Counter Clock
It's pretty consistent when you know it. Move with the first two laser crosses, making sure to position yourself so you won't get trapped, and move to the center and move upwards for the third set of crosses, then the pattern repeats.

Attached: Forbidden Barrage [Counter Clock].webm (640x480, 2.34M)

constantly eating or talking about food in almost every appearance. She isn't as stupid as she may seem though, she's merely very laid back but extremely intelligent like Yukari and Ran.

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I don't understand why people hate hater. Isn't he some sad slavic dude?

He draws cuckolding and prostitution

Ah, that looks pretty easy. My instinct has been to try to spin with the "clocks", but I haven't bothered to record and watch one of my replays yet to actually figure out the spell.

why indeed

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There is nothing wrong with an artist drawing their own fetishes. If anything, using your fetishes or your waifu as a motivation to improve your skills at drawing (or anything) is commendable, and we should all strive to be like that.


reminder that yatsu-chan and the other one are babus

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Yes but it fits the character

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The art is very good

He draws extremely hot cuckolding and prostitution

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God Youmu is so fucking tiny. Why hasn't anyone dressed her up as a fairy yet?


Yatsuhashi, Benben, Aunn, and Narumi are all less than 10-years old. Isn't Raiko a baby too, technically?

Yes, how'd you know?

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She's even got wings

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Baby/hag is a state of mind. This is why Remilia isn't legal according to American law, even though she is over 400 years old.

>american law

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Remimi probably lies about her age and she's probably just a dumb 90-year old brat.