Doesnt it bother anyone that Aerith doesn't seem to recognize Cloud's sword is the same as Zack's?

Doesnt it bother anyone that Aerith doesn't seem to recognize Cloud's sword is the same as Zack's?

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She does though

She never saw the Buster Sword. When Zack starts using it in CC he's already gone from Midgar and he'll never see her again.

But it's Angeal's sword.

If you had actually played the game you would know that its Angeal's sword, and Zach didnt start using it till he was long gone from Aerith.

She knows

she's into big swords

>Google "Angeal"
>Crisis Core
In the trash. I took in Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus cuz I was still edgy even in my late teens but forced sequel shit isn't as bad as forced prequel retconny shit that was never planned as part of the original story.

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she's a size queen

>that was never planned as part of the original story

She probably just assumed it's standard soldier gear

>He doesn't know
Compilation shit is referenced in Remake, I'm sorry you had to hear it like this.
Genesis soon.

Crisis Core was written by the guy who wrote 99% of the script found in the original FF7. Zack is also his creation. What he says basically goes and you really can't disagree with the creator.

Final Fantasies were always stand-alone stories, everything that followed the original VII was just giving in to fan demand.

Nah, we got time jannies to help clean up that mess.

And George Lucas wrote the prequels, what's your point?

She doesnt

>what's your point?
That it's canon no mater how much you deny it.

>always stand-alone
your butthole is not a valid source

It is Angeals sword but Cloud did not know Angeal.

Roche literally uses the same model sword as Zack did in Crisis Core, it's standard issue for low rank SOLDIERs. So yes, it's clearly canon.

BTW what was the point of Versus XIII? How could that story, early on it was set onEarth and had that prince, king, kingdom narrative and I have no idea how it would fit into XIII? Did Agito have anything to do with XIII?

Aren't buster swords standard gear for SOLDIERs?

Didn't Zack still have the recruit sword at that point?

Agito, and later on Type 0 still have connections to XIII since it follows the same mythology about Etro and pseudo-gods called Fal Cies who get to control shit behind the curtains in human history.
Versus XIII was also going to deal with Etro in some way but Tabata rewrote all the mythology in XV around the starscourge and the Astrals instead

No but it bothers me that square has the nerve to make a game just about midgar and sell it as a remake and it bothers me even more that people fell for the scam.

yes, he only gets the Buster Sword once he leaves Midgar for good and promises Aerith he will come back for her. its during the trip that he ends up killing Angeal and inheriting his sword.

stop talking out of your ass, she knows it's Zack's sword. Pay attention next time.

It feels like shit is just cut out at the end. I just got to the part where Aerith rejoins the party and it just jumps from Cloud passing out at Hojos lab to them being captured in a cell with no explanation.
Also what the hell did Aerith do to Nanaki?

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I had equipped other one tho :)

nope, that was Angeal’s custom made Dragonslayer, too big for any human bean.
the mass produced Soldier sword is the one Zack uses during Crisis Core, also the one Roche uses in FF7R

Thats a sick wall paper

Zack comes back to Midgar after killing Angeal iirc

Point to me when she notices it then

When the FUCK are they going to move on to XVI? Why don't they release mainline games more often?

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>"you're a merc, right?"
>"I guessed... from the sword."

there ya go.

I think that might be in development.

people rushed 15 just like that and look what we got

>Mercs carry blades
Wow she really knew that was Zack's blade. You're retarded

because they take 10 years to release a single entry now

XV was in development for 10 years, user.

>Final Fantasies were always stand-alone stories
by the time before crisis came out, they had already made an anime sequel to ff5 (which wasn't very good) and a direct sequel to ffx.

>hard mode has no items
>but it's balanced out by having no MP recovery ever
>on fucking hard mode
>where the entire last bosh rush has no breaks and your MP never comes back
Who thought this was good?

He does, he cries in the church and Aerith hugs him from behind.

still too fast, should have spent more time doing side projects like they did back in the ps1 era, like einhander, xenogears, parasite eve and shit.
XV got underfunded and had to cut a lot of the story, they couldn’t even release it later and had to cancel the dlcs too. this wouldnt have happened it they held it back for a few more years and had more money. FFXI and XIV can only do so much with their revenue stream

>When the FUCK are they going to move on to XVI?
ff9 was the last good fully-original mainline game in the series. that was 20 years ago. how anyone could be hyped for xvi after the shitfests that were xiii, xiv and xv is beyond me.
>Why don't they release mainline games more often?
the annual release cycle from the old days was never sustainable in the long run, even at the time (as shown by the talent drain square had from people getting burnt out and leaving). it's not doable with today's production values unless you want it to be like the recycled turds that ubisoft shits out every year.