ITT: Characters who canonically fuck dogs

ITT: Characters who canonically fuck dogs

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Pokemon trainers.
Eevolutions are basically dogs

Pls tell me who all these characters are and what they're from.

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All White women if given the chance.

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Common Filth was right.

this meme is hilarious, white women on semi anonymous sites like twitter get pissed when you post it at them

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where did this meme originate? it's too specific to just be normal hatred of white women, and most normies would not believe white women fuck dogs because everyone knows that white women only fuck people with high social status and lots of money

If she fucks black men she'll fuck anything
Just your usual j-word subversion

She discovered sexuality with her Magehound. That's why she loved it so much.

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Didn't Aerith fuck red?

I would assume shit like Whitney Wisconsin and that one girl who posted the "Guess what I'm about to do/plenty of girls do it" thing

There’s tons of videos and images of white women doing questionable things with their dogs or having their dogs in strange positions close to their crotch for no reason at all. It’s more common than you would think but it’s not a conspiracy or anything.

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but the KIKES stand to profit nothing from such a meme, and most of the #whitegirlsfuckdogs content i can find in a cursory duckduckgo is either from incel forums with no primary sources or that Common FIlth dude whose tweets I can't see because twitter is shitty software

You're joking right?
Like this user said It's alot more common than you think.

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as a lover of bestiality porn im pretty sure those girls are doing it for the e-thot funbucks and social credit points, not because they like it

those chicks usually drop off the internet as soon as they stop getting attention and it usually turns out they had their dog(s) neutered or adopted, assuming it was ever even their dog at all and not just a toy they posed with for a photoshoot
>bbut dog dick dildos!
bought and used mostly by gay men, just look at toypics and the level/amount of amateur content among men vs women. men ram them things deep, the women just kinda lick them while wearing cosplay outfits. the obvious commercial interest is there in female solo content more than any sensuality

and a lot of the early 00s zoo porn was all out of BRBRBR adjacent cuntries and the earlier hardcore 80s stuff was mostly out of germany and scandinavia


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White women posting themselves fucking dogs on the internet just for the "shock value?" I don't think I'm buying that one pal. Pretty sure they're just fucking dogs and enjoying it.

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Pretty sure all the DoA girls tried it

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White women do it to scare. Niggers do it because they enjoy not having to fuck a nigger male.

Yeah this, some chicks I got really got into the action and you could clearly see they enjoyed it

no theyre posting it so simps like you fawn over them hoping to get a crumb of content

>tried it
Pretty sure honkers doesn't fuck anything else

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>social credit points
>for bestiality

What the actual fuck

Don't lump Fiona in with your degenerate fetish

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We live in a weimarian dystopia