Resident evil thread

Rank em

Rank em
REmake>4>REmake 2>2>1>0>Rev 2>3>REmake 3>7>Revelations>CV>5>6

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>that low

>he still doesn't like 5

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>the shill still can't use the catalog to search for his shit game threads

RE is Yas Forumscore you fucking newfag

REmake > RE4 > RE2 > RE5 > REmake 2 > 3 > 1 > REmake 3 > Rev2 > 7 > CV > Rev > 0 > 6

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>doesn't like continuation of awful overhaul to the RE series
OP based af

The gameplay is mostly fine but the game has even less horror than 6

CV is my favorite, followed by one. That is all.

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REmake 2 > RE4 > REmake > RE2 > REmake 3 > RE5 > RE3 > RE0 > Revelations > RE6

Haven't played any others

It would be good if it weren't for the mandatory co-op.

Should I buy the remake of 3?
I just did everything in Nioh 2 and FF7:R so have nothing else to play but 3 just feels like a con.

meant to quote opie but w/e.

no you fucking retard, wait till its 10 dollars if you must really own it like a drone

Re5 is my favorite, I miss that time period when all the great couch coop games came out

It’s short but pretty fun on replays and is pretty damn good on harder difficulties. Also the hospital and power plant are better.

2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 2Re
5, R1, R2

Haven't played the other ones honestly the series are pretty fucking mediocre I don't know why you're so obsessed with it you fucking autists. It's no Silent Hill

I don't regret buying it. It is very short, but so was the original RE3. Yas Forums is crying way too hard about it. If you liked REmake 2, you'll like REmake 3 as well.

The multiplayer it comes with is fucking shit though.

Do you have enough disposable income to buy new games, and do you like resident evil remake gameplay? If so go for it

REmake 3 and Resistance are the new worst games in the series, even surpassing 6 (which wasn't even bad and never was). I'm extremely dissapointed and thankful I only put up $30 because my friend and I split a copy.

REmake>RE7>RE4>RE3>RE2>CV>REmake3>REmake2>the rest in no particular order>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RE6

REmake > 4 > 2 > Remake 2 > RE1 > 3 > CV > Zero > RE7 > RE5 > RE6 > Remake 3 > Rev1 > Rev2

>It's no Silent Hill
Yeah because RE actually has replayability rather than 100% hinging itself on the story.

Fuck you 3 is the best RE
3 > 1 > remake 2 > remake > 4 > 2 > 7 > remake 3 > cv > 5 > 6

>Ranking RE games based on how scary they are
>Thinking RE games were scary at all
Okay then

SH went to shit after 3, those first 3 are masterpieces but many of the games after are worse than RE6

>tfw still no mod to put anime claire and jill models in the remakes

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WRONG, SH4 is actually fucking kino

You mean after 4, right? Right user?

Make them yourself frogfag

Not scary but atmosphere, which 5 sorely lacks.


Re5 is atmospheric, the lab areas are way better than re4 island/labs

I just recently played RE3 original on hard after not having played in a decade and having forgotten most of the puzzles and still finished it in 5 and a half hours. Criticism of the new one being short isn’t valid seeing how short the original is too. And the hospital is much longer anyway.

RE6 is a great action game and I will never understand this retarded bandwagoning of hate. It's fun, fuck you, you goddamn autists. How many action TPS games with cool movesets can you even name other than RE6 and Vanquish? Maybe Shadows of the Damned, that's about it. It's a unique niche and RE6 does a great job occupying it and you can go fuck yourself you autist

RE3>CVX>RE1>RE1 Remake > RE4 > RE3 Remake = RE2 Remake> Outbreak games> Rest > RE6 > RE5.

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