You have 5 seconds to explain why you still haven't pre-ordered the console that will win the 9th generation

you have 5 seconds to explain why you still haven't pre-ordered the console that will win the 9th generation.

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how do you win with zero exclusives?
Look at the state of Xflop One, it's pathetic

>zero exclusives

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I'm gay

>posts the one game that'll 100% come to PC
lets totally ignore the fact that the rest of the series is getting ported to PC

that's no excuse! go pre-order my overly expensive console right now!!

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it'll probably be on Windows 10 the same day. Doesn't count.

What a handsome man! I'm going to buy your console now.

Because consoles are weaker, less open, company controlled pieces of shit. I'd rather have a PC twice as weak than a console.

They haven't revealed the price, can you even pre-order one yet?

No thanks

can't spend on the quarantine

maybe in june

gonna spend my Trump Fun Bucks on it!

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It's not available for pre order yet

I'm switching to PC

No you can't. OP is a dumb cunt.


>Xbox fanboy is dumb
I shouldn't be surprised.

yeah sorry, neither this or PS5 have caught my attention this time and with sony starting to release first party games on PC, there's no excuse

Because Xbox always has some stupid flaw at launch that has to be fixed later on:
>Xbox: Duke (mileage varying per person of course)
>360: RROD
>Bone: Kinectshit


Xbox fanboy would know whether preorders are live or not, don't you think?
It's just a shitposter

Dead console

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I didn't realise this had been properly announced, the microsoft website is actually pretty interesting, the hardware choices they've made, it looks pretty good. But I won't be getting one for the same reason I sold my Xbox One, I have a PC and most of the exclusives are on there or coming to it. I do use XGP for PC though, and of course use Xbox one controllers, since they're the best

OG Xbox was solid. 360 rrod was widescale but they replaced them and extended the warranty three years so it was a cone up for me.

It doesn't have any games that I desperately want to play.

Even if Infinite turns out to be an open-world lootshooter, I doubt it alone will be enough to win me over.

Can you preorder a PS5? I sure would if I could.

because i have a pc

i bet the xsex is better than your toaster

Literally this.
I allready have a beefy PC and the only reason why I'd buy a console are exclusives(even timed ones). It's a neatly engineered piece of hardware, I'll give'em that much, but microsofts exclusives are quite lackluster.

I will but first I had to preorder this bad boy. Fuck haters and poor people

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Still saving for it. Hoping it launches with Hellblade 2.

brb getting pozzed

>preordering consoles
>Buying games
>subbing for multiplayer

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Go to bed eurobrown

>ITT: Snoyfags seethe that they have the weaker console and movie games

but xbox has no gaems right? kek, we're gonna win this gen it'll be a repeat of the 360 days minus the red ring screencap this

Because I'm waiting for games to be announced for it.