Anyone play Warzone

anyone play Warzone

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im not sure if i have enough terabytes to house this product

this poorfag doesn't have 10 14 TB hard drives in CURRENT YEAR to store 3 games lmao

Yeah it's pretty fun. I like going in with three of my friends and yelling at eachother for how much we all suck.
We consistently get in the top 10 or 20 though, so it isnt so bad.
I have to keep reminding myself not to loot so much and actually fight people though

Fuuuck that file size. I have that game but I had to delete like 4 others just to download it.
Do you think it's just bad optimization? Is the game really just that big?

>using an aimbot to kill people while parachuting
Heh, nothn personnel

It's a strategy done by publishers so that you play their games more because it would be a pain to download the game again and you can only store so many games

I think they packed it full of "on-disc" DLC, that's what probably takes up the space

it is really nefarious

Not anymore since I broke my TV playing this

Yeah it's not bad. Definitely the best of the battle royals meme.

Say what you want about Activision (and they are a shitty company)' but one thing they usually get right is the FPS experience

I never lost a warzone

You have to download the entire MW game

it is so boring visually

Yeah, I always like Treyarch better visually.


Because you've never played it

no, dataminers would have discovered it

it's probably mostly audio files, the audio in the game is really high fidelity


WHY EVEN BOTHER? I never faced rampant cheating since PUBG early days!

Zoomers are just too good. I can't conpete. I die before I even get to react to to someone. I even get sniped out out helicopters, once when I was piloting it too. I dont stand a chance with this kids, only my zoomer cousin's lead me to a victory

Of course it is. FPS attract the dregs of the gaming works. Not only hacking but console is full of m/k and macros. The FPS genre is the druggie trailer park of the gaming world. You just have to accept that and ignore it.

yes, plunder is fun

I'm planning to pick it again after I upgrade my pc. Way too much stuttering on a 1050ti

this game crashes five minutes into every match and i cannot for the life of me figure out how to stop it. fuck me and my dollarydoos.

>top 10 or 20 though
>barely 40 teams
user to get in the top 20 not dying in the first 5 minutes is more than enough

I didnt say we were great, I just said we are typically in the top half.

Are there hackers on PS4 yet or is that all on pc?

>Are there hackers on PS4 yet or is that all on pc?
Crossplay nigga

you don't, but you do have to download pretty much everything in the non-warzone multiplayer minus the maps because all that stuff is reused in warzone

Do you have any overlays, Mai afterburner, shadow play or the amd version etc?

>game is like 2 and a half terra bytes of space
uh no thanks

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>mfw took my Xbox to place with good internet for 3 days just to update this shit
>told my friend we can finally play it together
>”oh sorry bro I deleted it for more room”

FUCK. Is this shit any fun solo?