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>blueballing the video game
imagine paying $60 for this

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R-Ryza was c-comfy, guys...
Why do Yas Forumstards feel the need to justify their shitty purchases of shitty Nip games that only have girls going for them?

anime simps are real. they need therapy

>dad walks in

Friendly reminder that after six mainline games the series never managed to release a decent game so absolutely nothing of value was lost.
Friendly reminder that the director and developers were tired of the series and that's why they spent years releasing vulgar cashgrabs that were even worse than the mainline games
Friendly reminder that Sony's censorship police gave the director and developers the perfect scapegoat to leave the series while keeping their hands clean.
Friendly reminder that the series dying due to Sony's censorship would be worse because it means that besides tits there is nothing behind those games to justify their very existence.
Friendly reminder that Yas Forums is hypocrite as fuck because claims itself to be a hardcore gaming community that has no time or patience for mediocrity and at the same time defends this series to the death.

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I don’t feel the need to justify myself to any of you retards actually

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Imagine being a cuck who can only get off when there's a big throbbing dick on the screen

Somewhere, this image exists sans the flower petals.

Yes, and I have it. Would you like me to post it?

Friendly reminder that I'm going to FUCK this cat

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Unfortunately, I lied. I'm afraid I do not have it.

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Oh boy a porn thread!

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>Friendly reminder that Yas Forums is hypocrite as fuck because claims itself to be a hardcore gaming community that has no time or patience for mediocrity and at the same time defends this series to the death.
you act like this is some smart thing to say when Yas Forums does this for tons of shitty games on a daily basis. anyway the 3DS games are the only ones i had fun with. the musou style ones are trash as are the spinoff games.

She’s cute.

Why do they all have cowtits? What's the appeal?

>Yas Forums is one person
I’m allowed to like multiple games and genres for multiple reasons you fucking sperg

Yet you do it so often. It's very embarrassing.

Cuz it’s hot.

>what is gravure
educate yourself, simpleton

>”Are ya c-“

But other people aren't and that's why you attack the games they like like a sperg.

I’m not that kinda guy

Everybody shut up and post Asuka!

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i enjoyed them

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What regex to use for threads that start with a single dot?
using /[.]{1}/ will filter every string containing .

How could they forget Homura

Never change

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Do you think any of them would ever love an overweight gaijin?

They make Mirai look even better.