Sonic thread

So what are your expectations for the 2021 game? It will be 2022 and you know it. Will it be Forces 2 or something completely new, like Sonic Adventure 3?

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It will be shit.

I am sure it will be another poorly designed boost game in the vein of forces

Why is it that Sonic no longer pumps out games like a quarantined man pumps out sperm? There were a shit ton of Sonic games around the 90's and 00's. Where'd they go?

It will fail like always. And will be another boost game

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>or something completely new, like Sonic Adventure 3
Jesus christ can they do anything but rehashing shit

No Blaze no buy

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I respect this mans code

Blaze as a relevant character though.
If she only appears to make a cameo then it's not worth it.

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Lack of sales and main series isn't making enough anymore to justify making more spinoffs.

adventure 1 remake

it will be another 4/10 boots game with a story contrived to fit classic sonic in, and you know it.
>Sonic team is poorly-funded these days
>means fewer teams running in parallel working on different games
>all the best ST staff were poached by Nintendo via the Olympics games
>making games just takes longer in 2015+5
>they stick with the boost gameplay, where months and months are spent creating miles and miles of track for a single 4 minute level
>they insist on trying to make Hedgehog Engine, despite the fact that it's no better than existing industry-standard lighting/GI solutions
>seriously, no-one will fucking pay you to license the Hedgehog Engine Iizuka, give it up for fucks sake
>they keep scrapping designs halfway through because no-one at ST has a clear vision of what Sonic should be
>poor reception and sales of games made with these restrictions means execs have little reason to up the budget

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>So what are your expectations for the 2021 game?
It'll be developed by Sonic Team, so it will be disappointing. I see no reason to look forward to it.

*make Hedgehog Engine a thing

can you guys post amys


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not a problem my dude

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That isn't amy

yeah, it's something better

Making games wasn't nearly as expensive in the 90s and 00s as it is now, so there was no reason NOT to pump out as many Sonic games as possible. But rising costs, combined with the fact that many (let's be honest: most) of said pumped-out games were low quality and chased people away, means there's little incentive to make even a mid-budget Sonic title these days - at least at first glance.

I'd argue that what Sega needs to do is buck the vicious cycle of "Sonic sells poorly, so make a cheaper game next time" outright and just go balls-to-the-wall with a bigass reboot on par with Adventure in terms of upheaval, if they want to make a splash and catapult Sonic back in the limelight.

HOWEVER, the success of that plan would also hinge on this hypothetical big boi AAA Sonic game being actually good, which is a huge coin toss with Sonic Team. They don't have the universally horrid track record a lot of people pretend they have, but the record's still pretty bad.

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>with a bigass reboot on par with Adventure in terms of upheaval
They tried this in 2006

And in 2008, but not to the same extent

Nothing good, I'll say that.

I mean, the goal of 06' was to turn Sonic into this epic more serious adventure and really keep it in par with AAA games. It was a complete reboot while Unleashed wasn't too story heavy

Yeah Unleashed was more of a gameplay reboot than anything

People. Tell Yas Forums your most embarrassing sonic related stories.

Why wasn't she in forces?

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>Why wasn't she in forces?
Like Cream, they did them a favor

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Momentum physics in a setting that leans on Unleashed. Iizuka said something along the lines of learning things from Mania.

Also, pretty much every 3d fanengine ever made focuses a lot on momentum physics and we know they are aware of them

She was in another dimension/the future at the time.

I think we're around that time again where they try a new kind of gameplay style that has potential but is very rough around the edges and than never bother to refine it and go back to an older gameplay style for the next game

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Some girl tried asking me out and asked what I was doing at the moment. I said I was playing sonic the hedgehog fan games. Haven’t talked to her since. Granted I barely got into sonic robo blast 2 kart and shits fire

Man I wished we got to see more of the Sol Dimension. We never even get to see what kingdom Blaze runs in Rush Adventure.

You might as well hope that they wrangle Naoto Ohshima, Yuji Naka, and Hirokazu Yasuhara back.

Unlikely, Forces will probably never be referenced in future Sonic games again, Sega is so ashamed of it they renamed the (better) mobile tie-in to just Sonic Forces

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This can't be real

Nice meme.
Forces was one of the best recent Sonic games and shat on the Classicucks.

I bet her kingdom is pretty flat

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What a fucking harlet. You’re better off without her.

The Akitas was becuase we were talking about my two dogs

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wasn't 06 adventure 3

This can't be real

I was wondering something. In 06 Blaze dies and reborns in the Rush series, right? Then why do we still see them together?

Did you get the user character i did

Tails Adventure 2!

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It's too early to tell, but I think they'll go with the 06' route: Make it barely canon, almost like a fever dream, but still show some characters as cameos.

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say hi?

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I'm really disappointed at you
Go talk to her right now

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Because Sonic characters nowadays come in designated groups. Sometimes pairs, sometimes trios.
Silver and Blaze get paired up a lot because they're the leftovers.

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You know what? Here's how Sonic can be saved:
reboot everything. fuck Classic, fuck Adventure and fuck Modern. Make a brand new game with no idea influences from any age to start the new decade. No more pandering bullshit and no more modern garbage. No more boost, rails, Green Hill, mechas, aliens, emerald hunting, nothing.
Rewrite the canon, everything about Sonic and his shitty friend's backgrounds, Eggman, the humans, settle this Two Worlds/One World shit at once. If it doesn't work out in the end kill the franchise at last.
there, I fixed Sonic.

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