Orange Box port for the Nintendo Switch

I would buy an Orange Box Switch port in a heartbeat. Even for full $60 price tag.
>Half-Life 2, Episode 1, Episode 2
>Original Portal
>Vanilla Team Fortress 2
>All on my TV in 2020
>Returning nostalgia as a kid playing on XBox 360 before I could afford a gaming computer
Can I get an 'amen?'

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Hell yeah, since HL1, HF2, P1, P2, and Tf2 are all old games I think they could run on the switch


Absolute retardation
the console versions of TF2 are good and still populated

>Vanilla Team Fortress 2
That's all I fucking want. With a few balance tweaks. MAYBE a few of the old extra weapons, locked behind achievements.

Pyro should have his airblast and some other maps and game modes should be added, including 32 player games.
Also game types like 6v6 (Demo, Sol, Sol, Scout, Scout, Med) as well as 9v9 (one each class) competitive game types should also be introduced.

>playing on XBOX360 in current year

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>wanting to pay full price for ports of 10yr old games

Yes, I do enjoy vanilla with no retarded gimmicky weapons and hats as well as needleboosting to unreachable areas, how could you tell?

user, Valve left consoles for good.


>wanting to pay full price for ports of 10yr old masterpieces

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good luck trying to rocket jump with.. gyro controls.

yeah id buy it

>playing TF2 or L4D on a console
Sounds uncomfortable, desu.

tis the harsh life of a console player

Switch users & their fucking ports, jesus

Soldier without gunboats makes him borderline unplayable in pubs for those who know how to actually maneuver and rocket jump

>highlander and 6s
it's dead on pc why do you think anyone would give a shit on console

TF2 is fine actually, been doing it for years
I tried a demo of L4D2 on 360 a year ago and I don't understand at all how you are expected to shoot infected accurately considering the fact there was barely any aim assist

Nice samefagging, shill.

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Valve wouldn't allow the definitive version of TF2 on consoles. They desperately love their economy simulator

Amen, but I don't see it happening. Valve hasn't really shown interest in porting anything in a long time despite the fact that at least for Half Life and Portal it'd be easy money for them. TF2 would be near impossible I'd imagine.

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Team Fortress 2 has been ported to consoles already.

>60 for a bundle that costs less than 50 all together on a day it's not on sale and 5 dollars more could just get you every Valve game minus Alyx and they all could easily run on a toaster today

you realize that the orange box can be played on xbox one through backwards compatibility, right?

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>This Orange Box is kind of a nice deal, can't wait for Valve to make similar packs!

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desu there are literally HL2, EP1, EP2 and Portal for Nvidia Shield ported by Nvidia

Yes but you'd be mad to say that it's a good way to play it. The overall design for TF2 just doesn't seem like it'd fit for a controller.

If you want 2007-8 TF2 that's the best way you'll get to experience it

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That was ages ago. Gabe was asked what he thought about current and next-gen consoles in an interview for Alyx and he basically said he doesn't give a fuck about them anymore.

the portability might be fun, but otherwise you can run all of those games on any computer made within the past decade

>owning an Xbox ONE

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>play Soldier or Demo and use splash damage to account for difficulty of aiming with analog sticks