Whats your source of cats Yas Forums?

also fuck the shek men

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Putting people in Jail for crimes against the Empire and Mandkind.

>hoarding money in a game where you can steal absolutely everything
I shiggy diggy

youre a damn okranite??

who said anything about hoarding money?

No, those faggots think serving Okran and delivering the worst enemies to their made up religion cult is enough reward.

I'm just an opportunist, I see a 30,000 Bounty, I take a 30,000 Bounty.

Stealing from the weapons store in Squin obviously. There's a locked chest upstairs with no guards that contains 10-13k vats easily. Also blueprints thst sell 2000 to 5000 cats a piece.

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bringing drugs into shek and empire territories to destabilize them in the name of Okran.

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Wanted to give this ago but read the dev just left it as a mess and started to work in Kenshi 2.
He's not getting my money.

Your not suppose to play Kenshi vanilla stupid. You have to hsve a fuckton of nexus and workshop mods.

Theyve already said any work on the engine to Kenshi 2 will be a free update for Kenshi 1.

based as expected

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Going solo and training one dude is literally the easiest way to make money in this game. I‘ve found so many exploits, but its still fun as shit.

Why is there no guns in Kenshi? They have self aware robots, electricity power and fucking laser beams in the sky and the most advanced shooting thing is a crossbow? And also there's no longbow alternative for faster shooting either.

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for me, i just go to the hive and wait till the bug men kill the beak things, that intentionally provoked. easy source of both food and skins.

Side note: How and where tf do you learn martial arts?

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Training mat mod. And from there you have to use bare handed combat only. Martial arts is only good for humanoids and is dogshit against animals.

oh come on everyone knows that there's no gunpowder in Australia

Nailguns don't need gunpowder though.

>Make literal walking robots
>Don't make cars

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Oh fick your right, it's just like the gun thing there's so many inconsistencies. I fucking refuse to believe the Second Empire or whatever didn't have vehicles, and they didn't have good shooters and explosives.

By beating people up with your fists.

You will get your shit kicked in from Martial Arts 1 to like 10. Then you will get beaten up from 10 to 30, then you will have a decent chance to beat up enemies until you make it to 50 when you start doing the double kick cartwheel that if you hit, will destroy a chests of an enemy from full to -100 instantly killing them.

If you want to take the easy way, run to The Hub and find someone who's gotten their shit kicked in by the local ninjas, make sure one of their legs is -45, put them in a bed, stack up Iron Ore in your inventory, and proceed to start beating the shit out of them while they are in bed. Wear armor that gives negative bonus to Martial Arts, and the guy in bed give them armor that protects them. You will get real far real fast in martial arts with this.

Get a skeleton, they have naturally stronger fists.

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Finally: mods

i honestly dislike mods,because they subtract from original content presented,however in a game like kenshi where there is no genuine plot (apart minor missions like bugmaster) i think mods seem almost yh

tl;dr whatre the essentials

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Most subscribed mods in Nexus and Workshop.

>and proceed to start beating the shit out of them while they are in bed
thats pretty hardcore
where exactly?

can a nailgun be homemade?

Theft aside, the real EZ money is in hiring mercenaries for fucking pennies and using them as bait/meatshields to raid Beak Thing nests for eggs or small, but high-quality 2nd Empire ruins for end-game gear.

Mercs are so fucking cheap for their utility in the early game that it's absurd, they cost a tenth of what they should at minimum.

>thats pretty hardcore
It gets real when you start punching arms and legs clean off. Have medkids ready to heal them.
>where exactly?
Start the game as one, or venture into lands you'd get put in jail for going (the center of the world) Make sure you don't melt in acid rain.

The crossbow was a last-minute afterthought, which is why they're such unbelievably exploitable pieces of shit. Dev really dropped the ball on not making projectiles parryable, swatting bolts out of the air with your katana is the kind of shit that fits the desert-weeb feeling the game revels in perfectly.

Drugs and sake operations near UTC territory. Swamp life best life.

Lmao blood spiders make that fucking piece of shit literal hell.

>Swamp life best life.
I think I picked the single most absolutely worst spot in the swamp to be in, because I am getting attacked all the fucking time.

>Group of Red Sabers show up to destroy my gate.
>Band of Bone Assholes show up right after they break in, when everyone is still half injured. Take over my outpost.
>A giant group of red spiders out of fucking nowhere pops up and kills them all, then just run away not stopping to eat any of my unconscious guys.
>Swamp Ninjas show up and start bullying the now first group of recovering/awakening Red Sabers from the first fight and the few living remnants of the Band of Bone assholes that survived.
>After a whole bunch of more combat, everyone is eating dirt again, my guys are fixing the front door.
>Another group of Red Saber comes up knocking out on the doors.
>The group was followed by another group of Swamp Ninjas too.
>There is still a group of Blood Spiders roaming around just waiting to kill everything.
>Its a never ending cycle of blood and death.