Consolefriends, why haven't you taken the computerpill yet?

Consolefriends, why haven't you taken the computerpill yet?
>Can use the control method that works best for the kind of game you're playing
>You don't have to pay for online
>Gets all the third-party and indie games
>Gets all the console games Microsoft puts out, and it's looking like Sony's games will be following suit soon
>'Backwards compatibility' for playing older titles is essentially a non-issue
>Cheap as hell games (or piracy if that's your thing)
>Emulation of older consoles
>Can spend as much as you want on a computer for the kind of experience you want

Attached: PC.jpg (640x480, 32.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>why haven't you taken the computerpill yet?
Brand loyalty.

>>Can use the control method that works best for the kind of game you're playing
and get totally wrecked in every multiplayer game i play because i'm not using a tryhard m/kb with all my graphic settings at low to make sure i get 300+fps. No thanks. And using a m/kb in your living room is awkward as hell.

I don't want to spend 1000 dollars to shitpost on Yas Forums

>with all my graphic settings at low to make sure i get 300+fps.
Not an issue unless you're playing Quake or Counter-Strike, and those are PC games anyways

how is that not an issue? You turn settings down, you get higher fps. That's not exclusive to quake.

A couple reasons.

I legitimately can't afford a good computer and don't want to spend time tinkering around with every game to make sure it all works well. I just want to be able to sit down and play when I have the time, no fuss.

PC doesn't have PS4 exclusives.

Would it be wrong to get a VR ready computer for $750 if I have no interest in said VR or any AAA games? I'm mostly going to be using it to emulate console games.

You forgot to mention free multiplayer

Imagine actually putting yourself In a box

If you can't afford a computer you shouldn't be playing video games. Fix your life and income because you're just wasting your time and money on video games.

>how is that not an issue?
Because Battlefield isn't a twitch shooter so exceedingly high FPS isn't an enormous advantage

Yes, you could spend half of that on a computer and still be able to emulate everything besides maybe PS3 games.

I have some serious medical expenses I have to pay, that's the only reason I can't afford a good PC, it eats up my entire fucking income.

i plan on building one soon when i stop being a NEET

>emulate console games
Find an office surplus store or something and get a shitty prebuilt office PC and slap a GPU in it. You'll be able to emulate console games for

>exceedingly high FPS isn't an enormous advantage
are you retarded?

>Runs at 8fps on my i5 7600K (4c4t)
>Runs at 30fps 1440p on my laptop with mobile i7 7700HQ (4c8t)
Yeah, just get anything with at least 4 cores 8 threads and it will definitely run

Are you? As long as you can get a steady 60 without drops you'll be fine, especially in fucking Battlefield holy shit.

Because people make choices that you don't agree with. You don't care about PC you care about making bait threads.

Attached: 1585371591270.jpg (336x436, 62.79K)

PC is not a good platform for vidya. There’s almost no optimizing. When you have to update all sorts of shit and become tech literate to play a game, it becomes exhausting. When you have to buy 700$ graphics cards just because you want good frames, maybe you should switch platforms.

Use a PC for what it was actually made for, web browsing and video editing.

>you care about making bait threads.
>Almost nothing in OP is inflammatory, doesn't insult anyone

I think you've been here too long user, you see everything as bait

>especially in fucking Battlefield
yes, because fps isn't important in the game where whoever reacts first wins. Have you even played a BF game since 2? It's absolutely a twitch shooter. And it's not the only shooter on pc either. And you're conveniently ignoring the other half of my statement where i don't want to use a m/kb.

I'm afraid to taking the leap/can't be arsed to learn. But all the updates about the PS5 is making me consider just getting a PC instead

Why not both? I have a Switch and a gaming laptop, and will be building a gaming PC soon.

>I'm dumb so everyone else is.
Consoles can't reach the frames or resolution or even the settings those $700 GPUs do.

>don't want to use a m/kb in multiplayer
Well then yeah, I guess you shouldn't play on PC. I can't imagine why you would want to use a fucking controller though, faggot. I cringe every time I watch controller gameplay in a multiplayer shooter, it's disgusting.

> you dont have to pay for online
I gladly pay even 200 dollar a year to lock out cheater kiddies instead of getting swamped with them in every single PC game.
most good games arent even releasing on PC. I dont pay 3x the cost of a console to play stupid indie games and the list of PC exclusives that are literally twitch games for kids with to much freetime like CSGO and MObas.

this is bait
>When you have to buy 700$ graphics cards just because you want good frames
There is literally nothing wrong with this statement. You pay more to get better performance than a console, there is nothing wrong with this.

I dont want to take out a loan to buy shit I'm to retarded to install.

I tried. But it ended up being a waste of money that's constantly burning my ass.

If you're poor and stupid you shouldn't be playing video games you need to fix your life.

Autism the post.

Sounds like you should pay someone smarter than you to help you.

It isn't the PC's fault you're retarded.

>I can't imagine why you would want to use a fucking controller though
because i don't want to be hunched over a desk just to play a fucking videogame.

because to get the equivalent of a PS5/Xbox I would have to spend well over $800. This price/performance gap isn't going to level out for at least 2-3 years, and by then the "pro" versions of the consoles will be out, and make the gap a little bigger still. Basically, because i'm not a fucking idiotic consumer and actually concern myself with the value of my dollar.

Sounds like you have poor posture.

just get neet shekels like me lol

I tried several times and yet I keep coming back.

what? are you fucking trolling?

Are you joking you can easily sell your old GPU and buy a new one. It's not going to advance anytime soon.

i'm not a euro

you fucking retard, you can put your pc next to your tv or any other fucking screen youre not forced to sit in front of a desk...

Trolling? Not hunching at your desk is common sense.

>actually concern myself with the value of my dollar
>but I'll spend $550 on a gimped locked OS PC that only plays a few games and does nothing else
>oh and I'll pay for online twice, monthly at that, eliminating the savings I was referring to within two years
kek, remember kids: consoles, not even once. It was understandable in the PS1 and 2 days, now it just makes you retarded like this specimen.

i thought you have something similar in the us too

this message needs to be told to more fucking people

>This price/performance gap isn't going to level out for at least 2-3 years, and by then the "pro" versions of the consoles will be out, and make the gap a little bigger still.
>This user pays more for games, pays for online, and talks about value
Aiming with a controller is lethargic, slow, and UNINTUITIVE. Watching somebody slowly fucking drag their aim around the screen with a controller's joystick makes me want to pull my fucking hair out. God forbid they have that bullshit enabled where it aims slow at first and then speeds up the longer you hold the stick.
>plug PC into television
>put keyboard and mouse on coffee table or get a lap desk
Just admit you're a faggot already.

This will never cease to be relevant.

Attached: once again v shows its technical understanding of hardware.jpg (1024x1275, 552.74K)

Castle Vidcons will always be the best

i'm not putting my pc in my living room you fucking weirdo. And where does my keyboard go? On my lap? What about my mouse, some tray i have to set up beside me every time i wanna play? How about i just comfortably lean back and enjoy a game, while you go fuck yourself having to sit up straight just to play a videogame.