Find a flaw, I dare you!

Find a flaw, I dare you!
Literally perfect monster hunter game

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Caedeus is shit, tbqh family

No Loc Lac City.

>Wii U

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Only golden one

The most optimal way to start a new game is to go to Tranza port and hunt Lagombi for weapons, however with your shitty weapons this take slike 40 fucking minutes

It's on a baby console for incels

MH Gen still superior.

MHW still baby's first MH.

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There's only one baby console for incels I know of and it ain't Nintendos

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Xenoblade x, fatal frame and monhun with two fucking sticks, made it totally worth buying back then
Two best zeldas remakes were a nice bonus.

You have to be 18+ to view this website.

4U is better.

Wasn't this the one where the hunting bow and Brachydios weapons broke the game and/or made hunts pretty trivial?

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Pleb opinions

No because it's still hard as balls.

Brachydios weapons were better than most other weapons but, y'know, if you can kill 3U's Brachydios consistently you can kill anything not just in 3U but every other MH to boot.

The only pleb MH is World, niggertits.

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P3rd and Iceborne too.

Name a game with better underwater combat. I fucking dare you.

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There was no option to swap L/R with ZL/ZR, you could only make them both L/R. As a result, you couldn't use the target cam or keyboard in Off-TV play if you wanted to use the more comfortable ZL/ZR buttons as your primary shoulder buttons.

>those names

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Underwater seige sections were actual hell

At least you don't auto-fail if you cause too much damage, like with Lao Shan Lung.

which mh does have the most monsters or the most content in general ?

>bowgun bro carried me through the double tempered bazelguese fight
This hunt filtered me pretty hard so I really appreciated the help

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Most monsters would probably be Generations Ultimate. As for content, not sure unless you count the variety of monsters to be equivalent to content than it would be Generations Ultimate still.

SOS'd for the first time and later did it again with a couple of bros. We failed twice and on the third run I gave them advice on how to avoid his attacks. We just kind of got into the zone together and beat the quest.

Great night that was.

so what is the major difference between these games or is there even one besides graphics and new monsters


Generations Ultimate is the last "conservative" MonHun game gameplay and graphics wise. The graphics haven't really advanced further than the Wii days so that's why they are able to add so many monsters. Gameplay wise Generations Ultimate is almost the same as Tri Ultimate, 4U, etc. except with added "hunter arts" that add extra animations, mechanics, and movesets to the weapons.

Monster Hunter World is basically just a huge revamp of the series with modern graphics and gameplay elements. There are huge mechanical and QoL differences outside of the engine and graphics between World and 3U/4U/Generations.

for example?

>tfw we didn't have good expeditions again until World
Even though world's maps are generally shit, at least they weren't randomly generated trash like in 4U.
>have to climb for 5 years to reach the next area
>the monster moves to the area before the one you just left
Fuck climbing. Vertical maps are rancid shit. You cunts were mad at swimming, but at least you can move around with swimming. Climbing forces you to go to specific areas and climb all the fucking way up, maybe getting a jump in at the tail end to move the slightest bit faster, and that's only if there's a second layer above. You can't even attack while climbing, only use your shitty little knife, and the range on that thing is a joke. You can't even aim it. Hell, even if there is a second layer, or elevated ground, your hunt is now that much worse because unless you use a ranged weapon, you and monster are constantly playing tag with each other as you chase one another between layers while neither of you gets a fucking hit in. Everyone always says 4U is the best, but they can't ever give a fucking reason why other than "no swimming". Motherfuckers, I'd rather be playing FU or P3rd then, because at least I wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit. And FUCK APEX. Biggest load of shit in the series. It's real fucking fun not being able to damage a monster unless I use a shitty wystone which only works for a short amount of time before it has a longass cooldown. That's some GREAT game design there, assholes.

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how does monster hunter world compare to GU content wise and which mh do the fans consider to be the best one?

Run 'n Chug versus Chug 'n Flex, for one.

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Just play it yourself.

Chug 'n Flex is so superior, it's not even funny. I only heal with Lifepowders and max/ancient potions, just because I can't stand that slow ass regen of normal/mega potions. Even antidote and (IIRC) herbal medicine are hit by this shit. I'd expect those two to be instant at least.

Dodge rolls have more invincibility in World and can be performed more frequently. In other monster hunter games, attack animations are generally longer and item usage animations have to complete which lock you in place but in World you can dodge roll out of a potion usage or whetstone usage.

World is on console so you have much better camera control, considering so many MH games were on handhelds with just one analog.

Weapons in World are generally more overloaded, more combos and more unique abilities

Maps are completely redone and by extention so are the ways in which you cultivate ingredients and materials throughout the game. More monsters can be on the same screen and in the same maps because there are no loading screens and they have their respective territories