Tell me, Jolyne...

>Tell me, Jolyne. If the resolve of the Joestars is so great then how come there isn't a single good JoJo's Bizarre Adventure game?

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Where's my fucking JoJo game? Why are all of the recent games either on PS3 or PS4 and look like ass.

Sorry bro, you will have to continue playing HftF for another decade

I want a SBR game so bad

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i don't get why people like battle tendency so much


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>simple start to finish story full of quirky Araki characters
>protagonist is the best in the entire series
>ends on a high note with the one-two punch of the Kars and Wamuu fights
>generally happy and comedic ending after the bitter ending Part 1
>all the other protagonists that matter are descended from this one

How do you not?

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i like joseph and stroheim but that's it, for me thee climax of that season is caesar's death

>giorno doesn't matter
this is your brain on part 2

But who is he?

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Please explain to me how Giorno contributed to the finale of the original 1-6 universe.

Better yet, explain to me how he's even in the Top 3 of main characters in his part.

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Young Joseph is peak JoJo, its also before stands got introduced which did both good and bad things for the series

When will they realize all the money they are sitting on with Last Survivor? That shit would sell shittons over here in the west but they regulated it to arcade games.

And they just added Hol Horse to the game also. It’s not fair bros...

you mean who is she ?


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No one in their right mind wants a jojo battle royale game

I wish Kira and Josefumi got more chapters, their arc was kino

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is this thing supposed to be like a self learning ai that's mastered a bullet hell videogame always knowing where you have to be to not get hit?

The ultimate pleb filter.

I miss far Valentine. He truly was the enbodiement of his country

The only people that hate this fight are Foo Fighters dickriders that can't stand seeing their girl get beat up.

But that was FF's best fight

>golden wind ended half a year ago

Fuck me time flies.
I remember the years and years of waiting, feeling like it was never gonna happen at all

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Capcom made one ages ago

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>tfw it took JoJo over two decades to get a decent adaptation that wasn't the SC OVAs

>it's gonna happen all over again with part 6
>then part 7
>mfw imagining the C-Moon fight animated
>the underworld place scene animated

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>tfw the half of Bohemian Rhapsody gets cut out.

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>he thinks part 7 is getting animated
don't get me wrong, but i think it's just going to end at jolyne, since the opening of part 1 starts with jolyne, and not johnny(/josuke, i'm pretty sure part 8 was out by the time the part 1 anime came out)

This is one of the few fights I remember since reading and like

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>Jolyne's theme
>The baseball Ora Ora
>Limp Bizkit
>Highway to Hell
>Foo Fighters in the swamp
>Jailhouse Lock
>Weather Report
>Pucci hearing the music
>Whitesnake with the gun
>Diver Down
>Bohemian Rhapsody (though copyright will almost certainly kill this)
>Sky High or at least the part where Jolyne is on fire
>The entirety of the space center arc/s from C-Moon to Made in Heaven
>The special OPs for Pucci
>The salt from those that aren't spoilt
>The Ireneverse
>The post-credits SBR tease

So much kino awaits. I can't wait for the GOAT Ocean anime.

Bro that shit would NOT do well over here. Hell it'll barely do well over there.
Jojo fans are louder than they are numerous (outside of Japan), and I count myself among them. But that aside, that game is also a 20 player BR game, where the standard is around 100~ players. Not only that, theres literally only 10 fucking characters available.
I'd love to see another good Jojo game, but this one ain't it.

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>mfw imagining Pucci's opening break

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Essentially, by following its directions, you flow into the best movement against your opponent. But the same can be exploited by your opponent.

Fuck off jojobronies

FF was hit or miss with me. A lot of the part 6 cast kind of was really.
Except Annasui. He was pretty cool.

stone ocean was one of the weakest parts despite having the best ending

>since the opening of part 1 starts with jolyne, and not johnny

That's just because 1-6 is a long story. Part 6 is the end of that story. SBR and JJL is a different universe, with different paths for the characters.

Easiest place to read the manga? Ive bought some of it but its quite expensive.

But Ill rank the anime.


JoJo ranking

Theyre all great mind you and all parts are good. 3 just has the most fluff and Giorno was surrounded by other great characters. Hes still an awesome character.

Astral Chain was the best JoJo game.

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exactly, i'm sure that part 8 is going to be the end of the alternate universe's "long story", but until that ends i don't think there's going to be a part 7 anime

>the opening starts going so fast that it loops back to Sono Chi No Sadame

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Part 6 has an influx of shit stands bro.

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Overrated. On top of that, the anime adaptation didn't help.

7th Stand User is an amazing game though.
Just not an official game
>a bored japanese housewife can make a better game in her free time then a multi million dollar development team

>going to have to slog through goo goo dolls all the way to jumpin jack flash before part 6 starts getting good

Vento Áureo was weaker and had no relevance whatsoever to the overarching story of parts 1-6


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True, but I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

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>Weather Report
>Diver Down
>Whitesnake and derivatives
>Jumpin' Jack Flash
>Limp Bizkit

Part 1 drops the ball when the drma ends and the action starts
Part 2 starts strong and doesn't drop the ball on the action AND Joseph is based so it leaves a good impression on most people.

based stand

>We get to see snail Joylene getting chased by the Miami Dolphins animated
I can't wait to see Part 6 animated.
It really puts the "Bizarre" in "Bizarre Adventure"

I honestly see part 1 as more of an introduction or prologue to the series than as its own part.
So in my mind at least part 2 is the biggest starting point and it keeps a fun high energy through it's story.

The only shit stands were marilyn manson and yoyo ma

Part 7 was irrelevant to 1-6 as well and is the best part.
Whats your point?
Part 5 was great. 6 is easily in the bottom 3 parts. That doesn't mean its bad though.

Also Stone Free looks cool as fuck. I wish Araki had done more with it. I feel like he could have been used in more unique ways.

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Literally just swap the arrow directions and this is completely correct

why is part 5 so shit
>worst jojo
>no personality
>asspulls out the ass even for jojo
>everyone lost gains
>everyone is a twink faggot
>stands are twink faggot
>fucking bullet stand never shuts the fuck up with it's dumb high pitched faggot voice

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>tfw imagining the heavy weather hype after versacce throws the disc and pucci freaks out

Please take a moment to appreciate Pucci's ass

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Generally the only good jojos are 4, 7 and 8. 5 and 6 fluctuate way too much and have absolutely awful sections. 1-3 are just not that good.

>Not liking Italian mafia jo-bros
The hell is wrong with you?