What is the best Final Fantasy

What is the best Final Fantasy

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the original of that game

Mainline: 6
Spinoff: Crystal Chronicles




7, 10, and Tactics are the highest quality and most consistently good FF's

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6 or 7. I switch back and forth.

Tactics is 3rd

Uncensored full 7 remake without time jannies

FFIX is insultingly terrible and if it's in your top 14 then you should feel terrible

according to hipsters, VI
according to boomers, VII
according to lesser hipsters, IX
according to people with taste (me), X

any other answer is invalid

7 is the best

Then comes 9

Then 5

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>according to people with taste (me), X
zoom zoom zoom.

i like 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,7r

X does have the best story but 7 is above it because there's far more fun things to do in 7.

chocobo's dungeon 2.

I turned 30 this year.
7 has nothing on monster arena and dark aeons of X. VII has ~50-70hrs of content, X has more than 100.

>according to people with taste (me), X



Retro: VI
3D: X

Chocobo breeding and racing, snowboarding, submarine minigames, and all the other fun activities put it above FFX.


This is the correct answer

To start going into the series: 7, 8 or 9

To get more of the series: 4, 5, 6, 10 and 10-2, 12

To see the roots of the series: 1, 2 , 3

the decline of the series but still worth playing: 13 and 15

MMORPGs: 11 and 14

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you can breed a gold chocobo in an hour and be done with that activity
snowboarding, submarine and all the other mini games are extremely clunky and thus offer no replayability, being enable to provide compelling gmaeplay
the only fun side quest to do in VII, aside from Emerald and Ruby weapon, is battle square

You can, but most didn't. You're just a guide reading NPC at this point.

Obscurity and obfuscation does not make for a compelling gameplay, user. Plus the chocobo sage is your guide.

7 > 6 > 9 > 8 > 12 > 10 > rest doesn't really matter

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To be honest by modern standards FF7 Remake.
However due to gameplay preferences and nostalgia factor it could be any of them depending from the person you ask from.

Modern standards would still put FF12 ahead

>To be honest by modern standards FF7 Remake.
Yeah no. There's nothing dated about 10 or 12 even if you're the kind of faggot who doesn't like the older games.