Hey Yas Forums, what is your honest opinion on speedrunning?
Hey Yas Forums, what is your honest opinion on speedrunning?
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It's kind of neat to see how much a game can be broken, but devoting hundreds of hours playing the same exact game in the same exact way is just sad.
It’s fun to try/watch when you’ve beaten a game many times already.
However it’s only fun for certain games like Half Life when the movement techniques require skill and look cool to pull off. Other games where the speedrunner just doesn’t a noclip glitch and runs through the out-of-bounds to the end of the level is just boring.
I really don't see the appeal in this. It's especially sad when you watch some daft cunt trying to speedrun a game and some passage isn't going to their liking and they're all pissed off, yelling "fuck this game, this design is so fucked, why isn't it doing this and that consistently so I can exploit this shit?!". It's like, man, the game wasn't designed with fucking speedrunnes in mind you incredible retard.
>normal person beats a game once or twice and moves on
>"speedrunner" spends hundreds of hours perfecting glitches and techniques to shave seconds or less off their time
>normal person has already played a dozen other games by then
Who's the real speedrunner here, eh?
>We're running out of internet!
let's cut to the chase.
>can you stop?
>i would really prefer if you'd be quiet
100% autism. Just play the game how it's meant to be played. Speedrunning is for fat cunts living in their mother's basements and that have ADHD/autism. They think completing a game quickly will bring them some sort of relevance in life, when they're just competing in the retard olypmyics essentially.
Extremely autistic and sickening
It was fun to see the first few times but after that the novelty dies off.
Right now it has turned into a clique of people cheating their times and tranny cliques that use it to train and gain e-fame and popularity.
Illness that causes people to speedrun any% life the worst cases involve a wrong warp into a transitioning stage that has a 42% chance of hardlocking you
Depends on the game/runner. I watch Jigsaw run RE games/Evil Within sometimes. Alot of what he does are tricks that have fundamental basis and can be applied when i go back and play the games.
If a game is just out of bounding constantly and exploiting glitches its garbage skips are only cool when they are just unintended things in the game but work with the mechanics themselves like hurt states/getting hit for extra momentum. Doom 1/2 and their wads have cool runs too.
100% runs for shit like Souls is also fine too. Action games are pretty ugly since its just dps racing on easy mode and nothing cool is really ever demonstrated like watching a hardest difficulty run done normally.
It really depends on the game itself. Its really amusing how the more broken the game is the more degenerate the streamer themselves is. Maybe as the quality of the runs gameplay goes down the more you can expect the person to be shit like Distortion being a pale diaper shitting ghost man or all the trannies.
It's the only way they'll ever hold any sort of "world record' even though that means fuck all, especially for video games.
I'm not autistic enough for this, but I can see the appeal with games where there is a certain 'flow' to the movement. Probably all platformers qualify half life or, as you said, older games with physics that can be exploited.
bretty cool
It’s ok. Obsessing over speedrunners or treating them as important is disgusting.
Personally I think it's just one of many ways to extend the lifespan of a game. I've speedrun a couple games in my life, but not for 100s of hours. A number of my friends are former speedrunners - none are trannies but one is a fuccboi. I think the biggest issue with speedrunners is the community attracts mongs and weirdos who can't seem to keep that shit in check for more than 5 minutes
Fun to watch, much less to actually do.
I like it mostly to see game-breaking glitches and other crazy shit you can do, I hardly care about the time itself as long it's entertaining.
I enjoy glitchless speedruns the most
Most speedrunners are turbo autists, but what they do is pretty neat.
The ones who are more normal like TomatoAnus are fun to watch
On the one hand, good job on those folks who put the time to optimize this "skill" of beating a game quickly. On the other, it seems to suck the spirit of games dry. Once you escape the designed boundaries, glitch your walk through levels, or even break down enemies spawns/algorithms, what's left of a game? They turn a game into a lifeless automaton, so they could work against its design. It feels wrong.
I inevitably come across those videos of Mario, where people design entire tools just to mutilate the game's programming and beat a level with one less half-press of A. It's a perversion. Even at lower levels of speedrunning, you see people who played these Mario games for the past 20 years and have abused the game's mechanics to make Mario slide on his ass while screaming "wahwahwahwahwahoooo", or they always use the warp zones. It doesn't look like a game anymore, and I can't see why anyone still plays this series when all they do is glitch their ways across it.
>I my god guys i glitched the game on the menu screen to make the end cutscene appear I beat game in 2 seconds! I am the best at game!
>he can't appreciate the technical details and knowledge needed to do something like this
Pretty much what this guy says.
>Favorite SR: Mega Man X
Just a good solid 40 minute run of some good ass mega man gameplay. Makes for great races too.
>Worst SR: Starcraft II
This was one of those overnight GDQ runs and fucking nothing happened. Just a dude walking around doing fuck all for hours.
Why are all the doom eternal speed runs fucking any% that bores you by glitching out of bounds or 100% that is way too long, give me some any% no out of bounds runs
Whole thing is kind of hampered by the overuse of invisible walls anyway, they were way too scared of the possibility the player might skip even the slightest thing. Even on my first play through I got cucked by walls a lot
Do you really expect anything from a wojak poster?
No I don't. My bad replying to cancer
The concept of speedrunning by itself is fine enough. Time Trials have been a thing in games for a while now and those aren't frowned upon: Speedrunners is an extension of that: When the staff ghosts or whatever option to compete against isn't good enough, users start to compete with one another. Nothing wrong with that.
But speedrunning is a victim of circumstances, with the many events surrounding it, and a sphere of people that are easy to misguide & should not be overly exposed to the public. The massive commitment mastering a speedrun may take reinforces the amount of very commited people that may forego social norms to achieve whatever goal they're interested in.
When guided properly, these people are insightful, interesting to hear from, feeling at home, and just good people. When guided poorly however, things can go very sour: I don't believe many speedrunners have ill intent but they're easy to manipulate.
100% running is the only good speedrunning category, everything else sucks balls
Why is Yas Forums so narrowminded when it comes to speedrunning?
1. No one who runs those types of categories is going to claim they're a god at the game, they know it's just a glitchfest and usually only do it to show off that it's possible.
2. Runners who do those crazy glitchy categories usually also run the category where they actually play most of the game because contrary to what you pessimists think, most speedrunners do love the games they run and enjoy playing through them normally too.
I only like it when they're playing the game like I would, just better.
The "glitch your way through the game"-style is boring as all fuck.
I was experimenting with level tricks in my favourite game when all of a sudden I was a speedrunner
I didn't ask for this
I didn't choose this
yet there it is
>Hey GDQ, my wife's son's boyfriend is dying of anal cancer, you're the only outlet that really gives me hope in these times. Here's a cool 1K from Sweden! Save the frames!
Breaking a game is interesting.
But thinking it's a legit way to play is retarded.
Also trannies love it for some reason.