am i the only one excited for this game?
Am i the only one excited for this game?
Well i'm sure lolicons are
I am, but I wish there was a bit more of lore material released, we barely have the pilot short and the character bios on the website. Other than that, just 8 customizable characters? 8? They won't seriously add anyone anymore or do they have plans when they'll do the future events they mentioned in the first dev diary?
It looks fun, but the battle system seems a little slow, idk
I'm definitely gonna try the open beta this month tho
I'm going to check it out because it's free and I like the art style, but I hate battle royale stuff and online multiplayer so I'll probably be satiated very fast with the game.
Looks almost like melee Splatoon so I'll give it a shot
souless game concocted by marketing team who analyzed the successful patterns of Splatoon and made a shameless copy to try and milk the same market
From the very base this game should not be something to be excited for.
Fuck no, it's ugly as sin.
gameplay looks incredibly slow and artstyle doesn't even have half the charm of Splatoon
but since it's free i'll at least try it
>tfw i'm going to be called a pedo for playing this game
You won't, if you behave like a normal person.
Do people really care about something like this?
Pretty much. I'll play the beta though
>normal person
>playing a children's game
maybe if you're social weirdo with insecurities regarding video games, sure
They have to know what they're doing with these designs. Surely.
I don't have the bing bing wahoo console
You realized that the mainstream public doesn't even understand what you are talking about, right? They will only see the big "FREE" and jump into it.
>I only play games of things I must fuck
So you have some sort of fetish for muscular bald Americans?
I, too, am pedo.
I'll definitely try it out at least. It looks a little slow, but at the same time I like how deliberate your actions are. Plus, some of the ninja stuff just looks fun.
You won't, if you recite the cunny pasta while you play
I will be whenever it comes to PC
Bump again
I’m excited, but we have one gameplay video and one really awesome lore video. Not much to discuss until the game launches
Yes, I’m so fucking excited to COOM to new legal vidya lolis[\spoiler]
It's my thread jackass
>Barely any art.
I hope that beta bring more stuff.
Then you are a pedophile
There's a beta? Can anyone try it?