I was just browsing through Switch avatars...

I was just browsing through Switch avatars, and who the heck are these three fuckers that are apparently important enough to be present alongside titans of gaming?

Also, just to have something to discuss, what Nintendo character do you use as your avatar?

Attached: who.jpg (1280x720, 143.33K)

I use the picture you posted.

They're from Kirby.

Also I use Kirby.

Attached: 1585599468642.png (728x546, 324.5K)

Its weird that there aren't any pokemon avatars.

They're the mage sisters from kirby star allies. Some people don't like them and admittedly they're bland but they've grown on me.

Also I use spring man as my icon

They’re the Three Mage-Sisters from Kirby Star Allies. They are major antagonists in the game. also the blue and red ones are gay

>titans of gaming
>ARMS and Pikmin
Fuck off

>not being a ? block chad

I use my Mii and my brother uses his, both on the same lying down pose

I just use the 2D Mario.

Anybody else hate they only got Other M Samus for icons? Give me Prime icons


That IS weird. It's not like they stopped adding avatars either, they just added some new Animal Crossing ones. So they skipped over Pokemon for no apparent reason.

For me it's Callie

Attached: 20170724_012032_IMG_0411.jpg (1200x675, 157.32K)

>also the blue and red ones are gay
for each other?

I use red pikmin

Attached: pikmin ginyu.png (858x774, 520.39K)

if I remember correctly, Nintendo holds the rights to the pokemon names, but not their designs. so they'd need to arrange a deal with whoever owns them (Gamefreak or Creatures, not sure) and I guess it's not worth it

Donkey Kong is the most based choice.

I want to see all of the fighters from Smash Bros represented, though third party ones are probably never going to happen.

Shit, even ones like Pokémon don't happen.

Pokemon doesn't usually get included in this sort of general Nintendo thing.
Game Freak or the Pokemon Company don't like sharing.

>had toon ganondorf since launch
>check after most recent update
>the Dodo pilot from Animal Crossing is available
Instant new main.

>Kirby Star Allies
No wonder no one knows them

Oh, that would explain why you can scan the Pokémon amiibo in Super Mario Odyssey. It will name them, but it will not show them or anything like them.

They were featured in Super Mario Maker as mystery mushroom costumes, but had no unique sound effects or music. Those were only game that they were usable in outside of the Smash Bros titles to my knowledge.

I'm surprised he is such a popular character. He literally just says random words. None of it makes sense.

Seething what? OP is retarded and wrote something that's incorrect.

For me, it's Donkey Kong with a blue background.

That is the joke. You wouldn't get it if you are too young.

I've been using the Bokoblin one until we get some more to choose from.
It just amazes me that they don't even have the smash renders available for selection.

I know what "breaker breaker one nine" means. I bet you don't know.

Not really random. "We are leaving November Oscar Whisker". For instance, is him just saying we are leaving NOW.

For me it's samus aran in her suit.

Attached: character-circles-samus.7bf2a8f2.aead314d58b63e27[1].jpg (400x400, 44.89K)


Using my Mii until Miyamoto dies and they have permission to add Daisy.

Cringe. Ha. I just said cringe. Now you can't say cringe to me.


Attached: hyness.png (1173x1920, 1.82M)

Nope uno reverse card. And I play my trap card "wojack's revenge" which destroys your last post, requires you to give me one more (you), and I get to attack your life points directly.

Excellent, a fellow Red Pikminchad.

>3 icons of Toadette
>the acorn from NSMBU
>3 icons dedicated to those things in the OP
>2 icons of Tom Nook, Isabelle and the Nooklings
>a cardboard giraffe
>a weird cardboard robot thing
>still not a single Wario icon

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