Incredible... 4 the players... ™

incredible... 4 the players... ™

Attached: tlou1.webm (896x504, 2.89M)

You have failed miserably at whatever it was you were intending to do.

what stunning graphics!

Attached: The Last of Grafix.jpg (1920x1080, 529.22K)

experience... amazing

Attached: Uncharted1.webm (896x504, 2.42M)

what should I see here?

jesus fucking christ that's pathetic even by console standards

blind as a fucking bat

level of detail changing based on the distance, so nothing, really.

How exactly can a skyscraper lean onto another? Wouldn't it just collapse?

Also, I though it was a zombie apocalypse, not a nuclear war.

I knew the graphics were hot shit because I played the game back on ps3 but sony bronies (seething ITT) have shilled the fuck out of the remaster and it took me by surprise kek

Attached: Uncharted2.webm (896x504, 2.04M)

rule of cool I guess

>jarring popins 10 meters away from you
>in a linear cinematic game with low FOV
>>>>>>>>>nothing really

Incredible.... character designs

Attached: wooooah.png (1508x1400, 2.18M)

>replies: 10
Jesus op if youre gonna samefag shill atleast use different IPs

>chad cis white males
What's not to like?

is the implication here that PC games never have glitches?

Consoles live out of delusion and bullshots, that's why they never EVER show actual ingame screenshots.

because the actual game graphics are always like pic related.

Attached: 1412683446-driveclub-tm-20141007133302.jpg (1780x992, 487.92K)

are you mentally ill? lmao
drake is pussy whipped tho

Attached: 1457890443589.png (1920x1080, 3.49M)

is the implication here that I must be a PC gamer if I laugh @ your favourite game?

haven't put any money into a PC since 2009, lol.

>white males dominating like in real life

based and redpilled

>jesus fucking christ that's pathetic even by console standards
What did you expect out of a 1.6GHz CPU and aN AMD 7970?

Drake, the guy who leaves Elena 3 times and she always come back to him?

Thank god us gamers have PC...

Attached: real_game.png (1964x664, 2.24M)

>ITT: OP learns about draw distance

OP here, never played this one but sheesh, even GT sport is better than this

ffs a 7950 can do better than that o a PC, how does it fail so badly on a 7970?

>Expecting Taleworlds to hold true to their word after being in development for over 8 years


Attached: 1568466923865.jpg (1552x2000, 824.68K)

Base PS4 has the mobile chip actually

why even put those vines there if they need to pop in? This is what I dislike about graphics in modern games. They'll have shadow maps, which you would think would be better than not having them, but they're low res and pop in 10 feet away from the camera. So why even bother? I'd rather have a simpler looking game without obvious graphic flaws.

But driveclub is the best looking racing game ever...

its a PS3 game retard

It's the remastered, captured from a PS4™ Pro™

They went full graphics and sacrificed everything else. Meanwhile Horizon 4 still looks great and is an overall better game in all aspects

It's a 7 year old PS3 game. What do you expect?

A tweak in the graphic settings? Even on PC you can sometimes edit ini files or the game's memory itself to increase draw distance.

sorry but from the actual screenshots posted here it doesn't look at all like they went "full graphics", in fact it doesn't even look like they went half graphics...