Are you going to be rerolling to a cute brown elf for Shadowlands?
Are you going to be rerolling to a cute brown elf for Shadowlands?
Blood elves/high elves should have never been playable to begin with.
No, you dumb jew.
>there are people that actually pay $15 a month for a blizzshit skinner box
If you ever think you're pathetic just think of WoW fags
Only with blue eyes to piss off Alliance babies as much as possible.
MMOfags in general to be honest. It's all the same shit rebranded.
>Highborne were exiled from Kalimdor and settled in the eastern continent, founding the kingdom of Quel'Thalas. They became known as high elves. During this time, they created the Sunwell, and switched to a diurnal waking cycle. Their purple skin eventually faded to a pale peach color
>Devi tilted her head, analyzing. “Honestly sir, I cannot think why. He seems completely cowed, and the woman says it is very important. I do not think they are planning to harm you in any way, but I cannot even hazard any other guess. It is puzzling.” A frown marred the beauty of her dark-skinned face. Devi did not like puzzles.
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects. Page 172-173.
Devi is Khadgar's dark skinned high elf apprentice.
Been around since 2011, lad.
>Belfs in-game and in artwork are all pale in complexion
>A literal who belf from a novel whose skin-color is mentioned in passing
"They're canon, goy!"
Why do you care so much about some skin color options? Because they're not white and therefore a direct attack upon your race?
No. I will not. It's too late.
retard and kys
That's the only reason I've seen people scream and cry about it, along with "Well if we get dark elves where's my white orcs to balance it ?!".
retard and kys
I sure as hell won't be playing a nigger.
Looks like I was right. Also , looks like you got BTFO.
>implying i'm playing this piece of shit to begin with
Fuck no.
I already have a belf toon so probably not.
Why do people who hate a game and have vowed never to play it always come into threads about the game just to announce how much they hate it and don't play it? Do you want a cookie? Are you starved for attention? Is it an "I feel special when I announce things" thing?
you don't even have to go in the thread to shitpost you newfag. also, eat shit.
I'm not the one playing a nigger elf.
Fragile, aren't we.
See, it's always about race with you babies. Obsessed.
No, I won't even be purchasing the next expac. This game is long dead.
You can polish a turd all you want but at the end of the day it's still a turd.
I might consider playing WoW 2 on a totally new updated graphics engine if it's not under Activision but rather the old WoW devs however very unlikely.
Well... Where are they?
Already in the game.
Checkmate atheist.
Maybe by US standards
is it true they're getting rid of RNG gear (titanforging/corruption) and adding PVP vendors back? I might give it a go if thats the case
what outfit has beads all over it like that?
not him, but the disregard (something the devs have done a lot, sometimes for the better, mostly for the worse) for the story seems so disingenuous, and it takes me out of this world that has been shaped through so many years. It always makes me so sad when any story starts to lose their sense of continuity because I tend to remember a decent amount of those small stupid things that make them feel so alive and interesting.
biggest example of a sheer disregard for story turning off long time fans is Star Trek, it starts slowly with TNG (which is justified in many ways as Roddenberry would likely have included many of the elements that were made possible with advancements in moviemaking), to DS9 (which is arguably bad, but at least it's a good TV show from a neutral standpoint, purists need not apply), to Voyager (which consistently shits on previously stated facts, but at least there were a few cool episodes because of it) to the relatively 'modern' Star Trek that (with the exception of some of Enterprise) consistently ignores any semblance of the original Star Trek, or any of its predecessors for that matter. It ignores different species' quirks, the modern philosophy of humans and it disregards the original cinematic philosophies of Star Trek.
and it's with that autism out of the way I point to these 'little' disregards to the story that I try to bring up my point; stories lose their authenticity as each little bit of lore is altered and or removed.
if you made small changes to The Starry Night, at first it would seem off but eventually it wouldn't be the painting you fell in love with
imagine being suck an autist that you look up a line from a trash book written by a leftist jew known for ruining the lore of warcraft