That kid that brought game manuals to school

>That kid that brought game manuals to school

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I knew one fat Jewish kid that always brought a game manual for literally every single game, we used to joke he needed a manual to learn how to breathe

>i was that kid

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>That kid that brought game manuals to school and drew shit from them

I did this with DK64

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In school, people nicknamed me "Mario Bros" (fucking retards barely knew english) for liking Nintendo games and not dem Playstashuns and Xbaxs.
A friend one day told me "yo look" and took out a Mario 64 DS manual, and I read it like twice that day.

incredibly based

I brought my pokemon emerald manual to school to show my friend the braille codes so he could do the regi puzzle in his ruby version but he never gave it back to me

Don’t knock late 90’s manuals. They were amazing.

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>Xbox as a kid

Thanks, I still have all my drawings from when I was a kid pretty funny looking at them now

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that was me
>tfw one time as a child, invite another kid from class to come over to my house
>he brings over WWF Just Bring It for us to play
>after a while it just evolved into him and my brother playing it while i took the manual from it and just drew stuff from it at the table behind them
i dont even know what the fuck would be in that games manual, just photos of the wrestlers probably. i didnt give a shit about anything i just needed to fucking draaaaaww

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>that kid who had sex with the teacher

You didn't do this? Too busy learning or something, Einstein?

lucky fuck, all my old notebooks were thrown out at some point and i often wish i could go back and find what retarded stuff i drew as a kid, i filled hundreds of notebooks with made-up videogames and comics and porn


He was cooler than you.

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which manuals do you still have Yas Forums
i have age of empires 2 conquerors expansion book, don't know how i still have it

My family just likes saving things I guess

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Fuckin' rad.

>that kid who never gave me back my fucking DBZ Budokai disc
Never let your children borrow or lend out their video games.

>that kid who snapped his neck in gym class
miss you bud

What's that fat spiderchu?

Thanks to that kid I learned about Trespasser

He’s hiding behind something

Yeah that was me. Watcha gonna do 'bout it faget?

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>Those kids who didn't have their own Mario Kart DS cartridges, leaving the entire group stuck with only Mushroom cup, Shell cup, and 3 battle stages.
At least Mario Party DS made for a great download play game.

peak soul

I remember bringing Guild Wars to school — it held a lot of lore for a manual, really dug it. Also took Morrowind to school because I genuinely did not understand how the skill system worked and wanted to learn.

>That kid who traded a super nintendo for a music player me

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Good the Seppo Nintendo sucks, play Super Famicom