Do You get Despair?
Do You get Despair?
>inb4 people sperg out at the mention of phones
>retards were expecting anything other than a low effort cashgrab
I can't take it anymore...
Why is this bad? Its not a mobage, those are the actual games, and its not like fucking danganronpa requires complex controls to play.
Also, a fightan? Really? You know you shouldnt take offkey comments in interviews as fact, right?
Aren't they making announcements for a few more months or something?
>Imagine defending shitty ports to cellphones
I played Steins;Gate on my phone which was pretty comfy. You'd access the in game flip phone by rotating your smartphone to portrait mode
Post Junko's tits
is there an English patch or do I need to learn moonrunes
the first game is available officially in english in the app store
but the price is way too high to be honest
>imagine believing Gaming is a SEKRIT KLUB
>Imagine defending shitty ports to a cellphone more than wanting new games
Eat shit zoomer
imagine believing some comment in a random interview would mean anything other than a joke.
im not against new games, but you have to be a complete retard to believe Danganronpa of all things would have any new content after V3. and again, how is a cellphone port of a game, that will be the full experience, at only one payment, be something even remotely close to a bad thing?
i can't wait to see what a trainwreck the V3 port is. 1 and 2 are small enough and simple enough to probably work well, but V3 on vita was pathetic.
Aren't modern phones and tablets more powerful than a Vita? That /g/ world is completely lost on me.
Because it's not a Switch port. Of course Yas Forums is mad.
Wait, monthly announcements? Are they gonna announce something new each month? I'm fine if that's the case
8 more announcements including new game and new animu. But Yas Forums likes to focus on the negatives
see the problem is I'VE ALREADY PLAYED THE GAMES so i don't give a shit about a port
sure it's great for other people but anyone who is a fan would obviously want something new
they're basically visual novels, there is no reason to play them twice.
file size is the big thing, and phone ports tend to get crunched down pretty hard even if phones could play them as they were. i expect texture downsizing and sound compression similar to the vita version, but on devices with larger and higher resolution screens where it's even more embarrassing.
yeah... speak for yourself.
i'll be honest here, i have never played those games, but im sure any fan of a VN will play them more than once.
Is there a link to the article? I wanna read what all they said cus I don’t speak Moonrunes.
Danganronpa as a whole is a mediocre series with great presentation and i find it hilarious how the games progressively got worse while trying harder and harder to create "waifu"-able characters
>got progressively worst
>when they actually got progressively better with the first game being the worst of the series
What did he mean by this?
it was only a few hours ago so probably won't have decent translations til tomorrow
Post yfw phones will get these games before the Switch
>wanting new games
imagine wanting new games after V3 told you to fuck off and get over this franchise
>5 Sonybucks have been deposited into your bank account
Missed me with that bullshit, Nintenboi. I play on PC.
I like all three main games and they all have their strengths and weaknesses.
well you should play them then, they're fun
but i will not be playing them again and i doubt many people will
the whole point is that they're murder mysteries
at most i might rewatch the trials without going through the rest of the game
>hope for sequel
>get cellphone port
Son of a bitch it's TWEWY all over again. I hope to god one of the last things they announce is an actual game. Hell, why else would you have multiple monthly announcements?
Could've been worse, they could've announced a new figma today and the grand reveal could've been the phone port, that would've been true despair. If there's an anime in the works, I hope it's an OVA of IF.
Danganronpa is a murder mystery game and the trials are the most important parts
1's trials are way better than the majority of the trials in the other games
2 only has 2-4(ok) and 2-5(actually good)
And V3 only has 3-4(extremely manipulative by creating gonta to be a dumb character that you're supposed to feel bad about like a dog) and it also has 3-3 which is so awful because of the wasted potential
>1 has better trials
Bait. I refuse to believe anyone actually thinks this way, when they literally force feed you who the culprit is each and every trial. There is no deduction when Kyoko is constantly shoving information in your face and most of the time the culprit was obvious before the trial even started.
>solving the murder is the ONLY thing that matters in the trial
>story telling? Nah i just want some "mystery" presented by a hack
b8 alert
do not respond to tumblrfag
>solving the murder is what I PAID for when I bought this game
>”hey user I don’t know my talent but it’s obvious I’m a detective also here is how the murder happened exactly so you don’t have to solve the murder!”
>”hi user, I’m the blackened! I’m gonna make no attempts to hide this fact whatsoever, and you will find out by really obvious evidence everywhere”
Stellar storytelling
>1's trials are way better than the majority of the trials in the other games
>phones but not switch
Ah is spikesoft is one of those few remaining, japanese companies with sony fanatics at the lead.
i played the first game 3 times, second 2 times and the third game once, doing a second playthrough now...