Final Fantasy 7 English Translation

>people mention "fascists"
>Barret keeps mentioning "God" and "Goddamn"
do these things even exist in their universe?

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americans do not in any way whatsoever understand the word fascist or even nazi

>Barret keeps mentioning "God" and "Goddamn"

Americans aren't the only english speakers as much as you want to believe that

God doesn't exist in our universe but that hasn't stopped people from using the word.

no shit, the translation was done by americans though

For anyone interested, that one random NPC who calls Cloud a "Mako junkie" is a weird translation error. The Japanese is 中毒, which can mean addiction or poisoning, obviously it's supposed to be Mako poisoning but whoever covered that bit clearly didn't realise.

Poor translations? In my square enix games? Please tell me this isn't true!

What's it say in Javanese?


It's kind of jarring. They talk about hokey planet lifestream religions then the next sentence Barret is talking like he lives in a Christian society. They have an old Christian style church in the game but "God" is never established.

Why are you certain they'd speak any language found on our Earth? Fascism as a concept could exist but have another word. The real reason is because it's convenient.

jancok sampeyan, sampeyan fasis

>Would an ultra nationalistic and authoritarian government exist in the universe of FF7 where a corporation is willing to drop an entire city on another city to kill people

I hope they elaborate on what religion they're referring to when they say oh my god.

Honestly they should have come up with a different phrase that fits more with the Lifestream thing. But characters said God in the original translation as well, so at least it's not inconsistent.

What I found dumber is how the game constantly shoves people who dislike avalanche on your face as "ignorant NPCs". Their expressions and way of speaking signal way too much that they are "moralistically inferior" to the player or some shit.

the original had signs mentioning texas and korea

kesenengan bisa digabung ing njero

In the original game, the Lifestream religion was more like a new age cult almost no one knew about. The word "Lifestream" wasn't even mentioned until Bugenhagen explains it in Cosmo Canyon - even Barret only saw Mako as the lifeblood of the planet itself, not something that's connected to the souls of all living beings.

In the remake all of that is common knowledge in Midgar apparently, which means the big reveal in Cosmo Canyon is lost.

remember when the korean BBQ existed

I'm gonna fucking laugh if Nomura adds an orange man that has the personality of Trump in Part 2. Did Nomura take the SJW pill?

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Sounds like something an eco-terrorist would say. But yeah I reacted to how weird it sounded as well.

I can give that a pass. I can see how it fits if you see someone that's bathed in so much Mako their eyes change color. Kinda like when you meet someone who's always speeded as fuck with pupils the size of black holes.

pretty sure shinra counts as fascists

This. OP is either a newfag or baiting or both

The recurring "Shinra Middle Manager" guy is the fucking worst.

Supernova shows that FFVII takes place on Earth.

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The Lifestream religion has plenty of evangelical theming even in the original.

You kidding? That kind of mentality has been running there for quite a while. S-E has taken that pill earlier than pretty much any other japanese publisher. What's surprising is that they didn't turn Heidegger or President Shinra into a clone of the orange man already.

An ecoterrorist group calling everyone who opposes them in any way fascist is incredibly realistic, though.

Square Enix will never make something as kino as Supernova ever again

why do they call them swords just like us?

whoa, they have guns just like us and they look exactly the same

what is going on. they look human why is that!?

They're ecofascists, though.

It's just how the characters act. A cartoony version of your average selfish entitled ignorant meanie that "doesn't understand our caaause maaan".