2020 is dominated by Japanese games

>2020 is dominated by Japanese games
>Only good western game released this year is Doom Eternal


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Japan has the best taste in school wearing outfit. Christ my peepee.

What good Japanese games came out this year?

OP's pic is a weeaboo meximutt

Doom Eternal wasn't good.

doom eternal isn't even good tho. the west is just too focused on online shooters and cinematic walking sims.

Japs don't cotton to tranny freaks or terrible female designers to fill woke quotas so they actually have talent in their development teams

Yes we can see their girls tights in those outfits

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and 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015...

is dominated by Japanese games
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>DOOM Eternal
>Half-Life: Alyx
>Black Mesa: Xen
>A week and a half before XCOM: Chimera Squad and Gears Tactics

well doom is the best game so it balances out

2020 is dominated by KARA BOGA

>dude 2020 is dominated by Japanese games bro they're the best

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but they are all remakes so yawn


where are 2020 japanese games faggot because i can't find them? i can't find them, you mean a remake, a port, a game for woman who look like a phone game and a fucking season pass at 60$ because weebs like that jap cock in their asses?

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Why is everyone on Yas Forums retarded?

>japan is still mostly xenophobic
>no black people to appease
>females aren't bitching 24/7 when a female character is slightly attractive
>no need to appease LGTBQEBOUF people
huh, seems like they have a few things right over there

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Us japbros already know only dumb westacucks will never get it

I know, imagine putting half life alyx and an update for an old fan project on a list for good games.

>bing bing wahoo



Mario hasn't released a game in years. It's a dead franchise.

Yes and? He talked about outfits

>can't find yoshihiko season3 completed anywhere
Guess I gotta learn fucking japanese to watch it then

did you miss the whole uzaki chan red cross debacle

do they really go to physical education wearing that?

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its ok eternalfag, i know coping takes time, seems you're just at that "denial stage" right now.

Liberals taking over the game industry and placing propaganda first. You can thank George Soros.
