I hate photorealistic graphics, endless hours of cutscenes, forced/unskippable tutorials, walls of text, political agenda etc.
Basically i hate your favorite game and you got shit taste in video games
I hate photorealistic graphics, endless hours of cutscenes, forced/unskippable tutorials, walls of text, political agenda etc.
Basically i hate your favorite game and you got shit taste in video games
>walls of text
That's the one that kills me. I just want to feel like I'm on an adventure and that any side quests are adding lore.
my favourite game is golden sun and it's basically words words words
Iktf bro
Maybe you should play more games?
There are plenty of new good games. Now sucka dick whiteboy
i play plenty of games
just dunno why you think walls of text is a new problem
>No Dark Souls 2
Yeah, I'm thinking you're a faggot.
>using the ps4 as a multiplat machine when it has the weakest specs
>be console cuck
>no access to 90% of games produced
>cry on Yas Forumseddit that no new games are coming out
niggers are stupid
nigga, I hope that Sonic Forces was $5 else you stoopid.
Maybe you always played the wrong games
maybe you can just admit you were wrong already
how is it my fault that you got shit taste?
I started playing Gothic for the first time after seeing it talked about in a thread a few days ago and it is exactly the kind of game I've been looking for a while now. Like, what is wrong with just letting you go on a fucking adventure without dumping exposition on you every 2 minutes? Obviously not all new games are bad, but how am I having so much more fun playing an old, buggy, held together by duct tape game like Gothic when this was the year we were supposed to finally be getting FF7R and not some fanfiction tier sequel?
I miss "B-tier" games and shit that were just fun.
>OP says new Games bad old games good
PC nigger must instantly defend his Purchase for overpriced hardware and belittle people who play games on a different system.
kek always fun seeing inferior people seethe at PC race
you guys are bottomfeeders
Its stronger then switch and the OG xbox one.
yeah but you should have a bonex or a ps4pro by now
multiplats are for pc, silly
switch is in its own class because it's portable
You can really tell anyone who plays games on PC is poor af
I fucking despise the stupid tutorials. For fucks sake, let me play the motherfucker game and find out the mechanics by myself.
>Lego city
Yeah I can't play JRPGs because of exactly this
Which ones?
>hates forced/unskippable tutorials, walls of text, political agenda
>fire emblem
good effort
All that I've tried
Persona (3 & 4), Xenoblade Chronicles, SMT: Strange Journey, SMT 4
well ofc these are shit games play stuff like secret of mana or ff 4
That's what retards around here peddle so that's what I tried
>FF4 and Secret of Mana
Don't care for 2D crap, sorry
I'm replaying the Golden Sun games after seeing a few threads about them, and its really confusing; why the fuck would anyone settle for these games with such atrocious exploration after so many better games have come out over the years? How do they justify the lackluster linearity when even on the fucking GBA people were making open world games? Of course you can't ignore that there aren't many things to DO in Golden Sun; the first game is fairly linear and has minimal to no sequence breaks possible, but that doesn't change the fact that the game still offers a ton of exploration that would never happen in a modern game. There's no reason that these developers can't design open world experiences like they used to, because all that changed was now the games are 3rd person action games, instead of turn based RPGs. Literally it's EASIER than ever to make these open world 80 hours RPG games now, and nobody is fucking doing it.
why don't you just say you're underage and don't waste my time
>not caring for 2D games means you are underage
No, that just means I don't like 2D games; don't see how this is hard to understand
I agree but I didnt enjoy botw
yes it means you didn't grew up with actual good games and don't know the value of them
>if it's 2D that means it's good
Ah, I see now, you're just retarded
Have a good day
Nigger I love streets of rage 2 fuck off
Get a load of this fucking loser
stay mad zoomer
me neither but it's still better than fallout, mass effect, assassin's creed, witcher or any of that other new crap
Agreed about fallout and mass effect part. I can't comment on witcher as I dropped one really quickly and I didn't care about sequels. I actually had more fun with Ezio's trilogy and AC4 than BotW. I do admit BotW gives shitload more of freedom and has fantastic physics obviously. It just didn't click with me similiar with newest Assasin Creeds actually.