Pick one
Pick one
Is Naughty Dog full of failed script writers that had to settle for video games?
Sony, because they let me fight the REAL enemy
seeing as how TLoU2 literally went woke and subsequently went broke, take a wild fucking guess.
I pick both. There is no contradiction.
Political commentary or real world parallels can be done properly in games. It's western woke trash that does it in a hamfisted, preachy way that is just insufferable. There are many Japanese examples that come to mind.
>Buying consoles in 2020
Retards, all of you.
I pick both. Thinking vidya should only be one thing is brainlet tier
>big tiddy raita waifu DBZ character
>political statement is Nazi bad
>Jews actually run the world while pretending to be white
Damn sega is pretty redpilled.
what's wrong w/ lesbians and jews? checkmate racists.
The one that makes fun games, which is sony.
>b-but jewman say
that faggot doesn’t represent the rest of sony companies, and TLOU have a overrated story which is ok at best
reggie also said the game has to be challenging to be fun
when was the last time a nintendo game had any challenge
>movie shit vs toddler shit
if you played the uncharted series you wouldn’t say that
it's challenging for children, and that's nintendo's target demographic
Neil Druckman is involved with the games actual development
Reggie is a ceo and pr guy who frauds about playing games and people eat it up
The political statement is "prejudice bad", which is understandable. But since the parallel with the real world ends there, it's hardly a political statement at all in the end. It parallels the real world but it remains pure fantasy as far as everything else is concerned.
On the other hand, western woke garbage goes out of their way to parallel the real world and shoehorn political propaganda. When it comes to western garbage, nothing is safe, not even high fantasy games for children.
I pick both. If you don't want to make "political" statements, that's fine. If you do, that's also fine. The only people that get upset about "political" statements in video games are people that disagree with the specific politics on display.
Yes, an ex dev admitted that is all they can attract.
>It's western woke trash that does it in a hamfisted, preachy way that is just insufferable
basically this, pic related is a good example about how to NOT make a politcal statement in your game
Well I'm guessing the guys on the right make video games so maybe them
>the redditer
His morality argument is just kek. Fire can be used to grill meat. Therefore fire is inherently about cooking.
Guy on the right left the industry because he lost the argument so obviously left.
>the degree of evil is arbitrary
Evil and good are arbitrary you fucking edgelord.
it is challenging to buy a new nintendo game since they never lower the price the fuckers
I choose PC because I am not a consolecuck who is tied to a handful of games.
>goes out of their way to parallel the real world and shoehorn political propaganda.
>Example is a flag in the corner of a map in an open level based game
>waaaah bad cus popular
cope shit tasted retard
i pick neither, fuck japs and fuck commiejews
Are you retarded? This is satire.
>the nazis hate trump
Talk about fucking up your attempt at political commentary.
i don’t see the issue with pic related. is an easter egg about the tranny flag. it isn’t a cutscene about hat kid saying “trans right” and calling transphobic which anyone that disagree with her. is just an options easter egg, nothing wrong with that, unless you hate trannies of course
>h-HAVE F-FUN Yas Forums P-PLEASE come to the store!
>w-we're serving you with our hands in bags PLEASE I JUST JOINED THE BOARD THIS IS FUN
>against the homos
Good good.
But are they also antisemitic?
You can make the connection between dracsens in VC and kikes irl but it's not explicitly made in the game. The backstory of dracsens has nothing to do with jews at all, if anything the game also humanizes the empire (unlike woke "nazi bad" western games do) as well, so the overall message of this particoular game cannot be taken as "nazi bad". It's just an example that came to mind but you can compare it to western woke shit like Wolfenstein and see how Japan makes superior storylines even when said games contain socio-political commentary.
no, is bad because is shit
PS1 and PS2 era = Sony
current era = Nintendo
My PS4 is basically the Granblue VS box right now, and before that it was the Ace Combat 7 & Yakuza box. The only PS4 game I will be getting is going forward is Granblue ReLink. My Switch on the other hand has been getting tons of useage.
Also I don’t like how Sony have become Christian soccer mom puritans like 90’s Nintendo, that’s hella gay. Sony used to be the we don’t care what you do box, now it’s the Karen box.
>Nintendo games are overpriced
>Playstation games are cheap but also has variety and the companies understand that the game should be played to more people and thus lower prices
Nah I left Nintendo after the Wii came out.
Does op think that Naughty Dog is in charge of Playstation?
Christ, I can feel the seething from whoever wrote that.
i mean yeah you’re right but...user, really? do you really want to defend druckman?
I surely want to find a hidden area and be rewarded with a reminder of mentally ill people dilating their nu-vags and putting drag queens in elementary schools when I play my high fantasy children's games.
I like how you judge works inversely to how meaningful they are.
ah yes, such a subtle satire
It's satire mocking Trump, not leftists.
Or maybe when they told you you were an idiot who was reading too much into things, you actually were being an idiot who was reading too much into things.
luckily that will change after this forced diversity madness ends, just like the edgy stuff in the 90 ended
>lots of people love terrible games with terrible combat, this must mean the game is great
No, it isn't.
It's shit.
>enter house
>rob everything while the owners are watching every move
>it's a role-playing-game
it's shit
>Claims to be apolotical
>Censors their games
Pick one, Nintendo.
>is good because is popular
I'm just happy neither is david cage.
user do you have Aspergers?
Why not? UC is made of low tier writing and game play
Always the right side
based hat kid devs making seethe exploration fags, when i make a game i will add a picture of my anus very hidden in the game to punish all the curious faggots
Not him, but say what you will about Druckmann. But you can't argue he's worked on and directed some killer games. For Reggie, it's zero.
It is fantasy ww2, but they still humanize the """nazis""" (see the cutscenes with Fritz for example), they never flat out say jews good nazy bad like any woke shit western game would do. They even have a campaign where you play as the enemy, imagine that in a woke western game. And there are bad people even among the good faction so yeah, it's really on another level compared to preachy propaganda filled western garbage. The overall message of the game is "prejudice bad", it's not "nazy bad" or "orange man bad" or anything like that.
>>Claims to be apolotical
>>Censors their games
haha just like sony
maybe in the end both are shit