ITT: bad game design

ITT: bad game design

>beating the game unlocks a higher difficulty

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>Higher difficulty turns enemies into damage sponges

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difficulty settings are for games that lack a cohesive vision.

>The "higher difficulty" is actually a remix
This is actually good design. See: DMC

Got ya ;)

>game switches to easier difficulties without telling you to make you feel good
Let me do this shitt my way trannydevs.

>The best weapon/armor in the game is locked behind a superboss who's stronger than the final boss

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>Input buffering
>Move assist
>Aim assist
>Movement not tied to the physics engine
>"Cinematic" combat
>Non-systemic design in general
>Broken perspective

>different difficulties at all

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>dynamic difficulty

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>no reward for 100% completion
>at best its just lazy text saying "Good job"
Fuck this absolute shit, the harder the game the worse this is

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>status ailments doesnt work on bosses or chance of landing is very low
>normal enemies are too easy to kill to warrant the usage of status affecting magic

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>game has a large variety of class to choose from
>their all practically worthless aside from the core RPG classes like knights and white mages


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>Super mega ultra secret ending unlocks by beating the whole game on the hardest difficulty without dying
>Watch it on youtube instead

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shinji mikami is trans?

>Devs want me to believe they went through the game and balanced all encounters not once, not twice but 3 or even 5 times

Final fantasy and most of JRPG in general.

I wish they got rid of status effects because only exists to hinders you.

>harder difficulty is actually easier because you get more experience and better loot

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>Strongest weapon is one of the first weapons you can get
>All you have to do is to mash one button
>It for some reason outscales cool looking weapons with unique movesets

why play video games if you don't enjoy the act of doing it for it's own sake?

> beating the game on higher difficulty unlocks lower difficulty rewards as well

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especially if that "harder difficulty" is just the enemy takes more hits to die.

KH secret endings don't worth all the hassle they take to unlock most of the time Yozora, another side another story and Blank points are exceptions tho.

dark souls?
the movesets themselves are what gives you the advantage when playing pvp if you can use them correctly. damage isn't everything in the game.

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>Boss requires you to build one specific build because he is immune to all other damage types
>This build sucks against all other bosses

>online "action" game
>spaghetti netcode results in desynced hitboxes

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Yeah. Straightswords were a mistake.

>poison and status effects don't work on bosses making those specific builds only viable in pvp because the skills themselves are expensive to use on common mobs

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Any games beside Valkyrie Profile?

I agree with most of this but how is input buffering bad game design? Without input buffering some combos in fighting games (especially Tekken 7) would be borderline impossible. Especially in high ranks it would be nearly impossible to hit optimal combos all the time if input buffering wasnt a thing.

>Joke weapon/armor is the best or second best gear in the game
>You can get it almost at the beggining of the game

>PvE game
>Has PvP anyway

what game?

What could they possibly give you after 100% completion anyway?