>so many asian girls in ff7 remake

Japs are weebs now

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The fuck does that even mean you retard

Huh? They didn’t show Yuffie

Its literally perfect. I see you picked the best dress for Tifa.

Wow I want an asian gf now

is she asian?

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They want the White man audience.

I prefer English women. I never really found Asians attractive

I want the sex

Kyrie is made for anal pounding goddamn.

You posted Tifa twice, dumbass

neither asians do

She is Tifa's mom so yes.

>English women
oi yu wanna av a shag or not m8?

Why does Japan like to have WMAF pairings in their games?

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>in ff

I love that kind of speak and find it a turn on. I think it's because my first gf was from London

Cause its hot

advent tifa looked better and younger what's the deal.

> Kyrie is made for anal pounding goddamn.


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because nips fucking love hafa babies

>japs are weebs now
>complaining of asian girls
>in a jap
I sure hope you’re only pretending to be retarded

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Fuck off zoomer
There are no asians in original ff7
They added so many asians in the remake to cater to weebs

wow, you might just be an actual retard

>no asians in OG
Yup, your retarded

I want to fuck Marlene (age 4)!

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except wutai of course

Why do we even have these threads? Why does the "this post is extremely low quality" even exist?

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Tifa literally looks just like yuffie's key art does

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The remake was made for Japs

Japanese can't be weebs you fucking nigger. They're already Japanese.

All the SE made characters in this game are asian, only the outsourced garbage are other races. Barret is the exception.

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Most jap games are made for japs dummy
>Kamiya, why was Sherry even wearing a Japanese school uniform in RE2
>Kamiya: because that's what Japanese wear and so we put it in, most of us have never been to America and a lot of our references were just movies, our imaginations of the west and stuff from home just altered. We didn't really think about what the west might think to be honest

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