Attached: Marns.png (799x833, 671.97K)
*BTFOs all of the Alolan and Kanto women by herself*
Nathaniel Collins
Other urls found in this thread:
Josiah Wilson
>Broken exp system not optional
>Linear and smallest region in the franchise
>3 major cities, less than any other game
>One town is literally a pokémon center and a gym
>10 routes, less than any other game
>Routes are literally hallways
>No optional areas other than wild area
>Wild area is an empty laggy multiplayer lobby
>No exploration at all
>No dungeons
>Escape rope is now useless, there's nowhere you can get lost
>No day/night cycle until postgame except wild area
>The rest of the region has progression-gated day/night cycle during the story
>Pay multiplayer and pay Home or they'll delete your old pokémon
>Only 1 optional legendary hunt, less than any other game
>2 legendaries per game, less than any other game
>Awful story, even by Pokemon standards
>No elite 4
>Elite 4 replacements are 3 battles against newbies like you and heal you between fights
>The credits movie has the mouse cursor still on screen
>have to talk to a random NPC just to be able to adjust volume controls
>Postgame as short as XY
>Most generic battle tower in the franchise
>Cut a lot of moves
>Cut over half of the dex "to improve" visuals
>Graphics barely improved
>Same models
>Same animations except a few specific attacks
>Kanto pandering in form of regional forms
>Kanto pandering in form of new shitty exclusive and temporal mechanic
>20$ more for much less and messier overall content
>have to pay an extra $30 for post-game DLC
>still won’t have all the Pokemon after DLC
Evan Smith
Based slurpee poster
Matthew Carter
I-is that...
a generic flavour-of-the-game WAIFUBAIT?
Jonathan Watson
Wicke is thicke
Adrian Adams
>>Escape rope is now useless, there's nowhere you can get lost
i literally reset my game playing blue version because i couldnt escape seafoam islands, i just didnt get it after hours
Adam Sanders
>tfw no Moon-kun gf (male)
Colton Myers
Based, gen 8 was an absolute shitshow.
I don't want these chinks touching gen 4 remakes until they get their shit together and also bringing back mega evolutions. Dynamax is ultra gay and only appeals to zoomies and easily impressed retard jap kids.
Lincoln Sanders
I still can't get over the fucking mouse cursor in the end video
Joshua Martinez
Joseph Carter
Dumb goth slut.
Luke Ortiz
people hate gen 5 because they fear it, the amount of soul it spews is far too great
John Peterson
I loved Gen 5, I always thought people hated it because you couldn't use pokemon from previous gens until the postgame but honestly after playing through the previous games multiple times each I liked the fact that the game didn't just let me rely on old favorites and I actually had to try the new ones.
Mason Davis
What's considered the best in regards to pokemon games these days anyway? I had a ton of fun with Soul Silver/Heart Gold and the Ruby/Sapphire remakes.
Cameron Powell
Handcrafted with insane precision solely for B__ B____ C____.
Ryan Parker
bw2, hgss, plat, emerald
Levi Mitchell
HG/SS are considered to be pretty damn good, same with B2W2.
Andrew Cooper
What is Marnie's appeal?
Lucas Jackson
punk/goth gf meme to appeal to normies and ironic weeaboos, just like the tanned tomboy girls
Isaiah Reed
first tsun since misty, and not a tomboy like her
Jonathan Gomez
Marnie is the hottest girl I've ever seen in my life.
Oliver Flores
I laughed at your comment
she is quite lovely
Nathan Jones
She will take my 4-incher in her girlpussy and she is gonna call me daddy while she does it.
Juan Hernandez
This is one of the few Marnie pictures I like
Nathan Robinson
wait you mean it's the norm that new gens mix and match from all the previous gens? 1, 3, and 5 are the only ones I've played and I really enjoyed having entirely new pokemon every time.
Jack Hughes
Big British Cock for plentiful British children
Levi Reyes
Pokemon is essentially an "childrens game" but it makes me a coomer. Explain.
John Brown
Joseph Garcia
GF makes lewd designs every gen. It is their fault entirely.
Jayden Miller
>t. unovabortion
Sebastian Nguyen
qt emo goth gf
everyone likes those
Joshua Bell
fpbp, Sword and Shield was a bad game compared to the others. Not only that but they could have done so much more on a console that can play shit like Breath of the Wild.
Dominic Hill
How do they keep getting away with it.
Charles Bennett
Children's game or not the characters are still designed by adults, they will inevitably put some of their own adult sensibilities into their work