Man I fucking love the boss battles in this game.
Man I fucking love the boss battles in this game
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That's all. I'm not very creative.
I do too & I wish there were more of them. I wish the wolf and a second boss fight. but this game is very actiony so taking damage just from touching enemies was a bad choice for it I think.
The game would be too easy if you took no damage from touching the enemies.
Also I love how the wolf was killed off scene and shows up in the forest as a lifeless husk
no because enemis have attacks to damage you.
the game's already too easy because you can heal.
That's a terrible opinion. A lot of the enemies in this game serve as obstacles, passing through them without taking damage would ruin their purpose.
the OST is absolutely gorgeous.
Indeed it was
Can't wait for the vinyl records to arrive
I just finished Blind Forest yesterday and while I found it fun at the beginning it certainly has a lot of flaws.
>no bosses whatsoever
>after gaining new ability you can get like 3 more powerups to your health/soul thing if you backtrack
>you barely use the soul/MP thing, just attacking is fine with occasional bomb attack
>game is overall too easy
Still nice but I hope second part improves a lot of things
The side quests added absolutely nothing to the game
Neither did making it more non-linear in general, but LINEAR BAD, as we all know
Was it really more nonlinear? You still had these markers on the map that showed where you have to go next i think, you just had the option to backtrack to new areas instead of just backtracking to get powerups like in blind forest
The sequel is overall even easier IMO but you'll probably like it a lot more, mainly because there's a handful of pretty decent bossfights
It was a good change of pace to have friendly NPCs to talk to. Also some quests unlock new paths and give you rewards.
I don't think there was a single character I gave a fuck about in the first game, whereas the second is full of them.
It‘s only easier if you use the hammer, that shit is overpowered
>slow as molasses
>shit reach
I took your advice and got my shit handed by the toad.
The real nigga hours weapon is the bow.
After babby owl gets jobbed you can do the big four main areas in whatever order. The areas themselves are still pretty linear and barely interconnect.
just to prove my point
Hammer is the best if you get the timing down, just compare the damage
Oh right. But there was still that marker on the map i think? Either way, the strength of ori was the platforming imo, i feel like they forced the nonlinearity because of hollow knight. Also the thing that pissed me off the most in this game was the launch ability, what the fuck was that. There were a few powerups that i tried to reach for a long ass time only to give up and later find out that you get an ability for that at the very last area of the game
The boss I liked the most was probably the boss of the water area. Absolutely fucking hated the chase sequence in the desert area. Pretty disappointed you never get to fight the wolf for real after it attacks you at the start of the game.
>pretty linear
The maps are huge and full of ramifications.
I'm getting a strong impression that there was some cut content from this game
Nah , not nearly as good as the first game. The second game lacks direction and the puzzles are all messy.
I fully expect a wolf boss in the "definitive edition" that I'll never buy.
Absolute fucking bullshit. The main village alone makes the puzzling more enjoyable in this game than the first one. You actually have to think and use your memory to understand some of the secrets in this game.
This. Some of the puzzles with the bow were pretty good
Same as the ones where you have to bait enemies to open passages.
They cut out an entire area (pic related) during the final stretch of development because "it wasn't fun enough" or because they want to sell it to you next year. You can still even find the entrance to it in the desert, and dataminers allegedly found the map/layout for it in the files.
As much as I want the Grolek mines, it would make your scrounging around for Grolek ore utterly pointless
The desert chase needs some rework
I get that the worm needs to be close to you at all times, but the speed with which it rubberbands means that you need to maintain a constant speed yourself and if you miss the burrow reticle, you're fucked
I have no idea how I'm going to get the immortal achievement with that chucklefuck waiting for me at the very near fucking end