>hey it’s that guy from Midget Fuckers 22
Hey it’s that guy from Midget Fuckers 22
Is Trevors introduction in GTA V the greatest introduction of a character in video game history?
you're not allowed to like trevor here anymore user
all because he killed off one of the most boring protags from a DLC nobody played
That was the best part about it though
>fuck some whore
>her cuck fake tough guy boyfriend gets in your face about it
>you threaten to fuck him instead
>he apologises
>you then kill him for being an uppity cuck
Absolutely fucking based. Of course Yas Forums gets angry that some chad killed an incel cuckold
yeah, nobody. literally nobody gave a fuck about johnny until Yas Forums had to act contrarian again to the point they defend a literal canon cuckold
>Yas Forums defends a literal cuck
Not even remotely surprised desu
I would honestly suck trevors cock after he fucks a prostitute in the ass
same. not gay tho
Trevor is rockstars best character and he deserves a solo game.
Zoomers spotted
Same, i'd only suck his shit covered dick just to get the taste of girls poop on my mouth. Thats all.
>Zoomers spotted
ok boomer
>tfw you realise that Trevor is almost universally hated as a character because almost all people are clueless about developmental psychology and the possible mental disorders that can result from abusive parenting
Pretty sure Trevor was just Rockstar taking the piss out of themselves.
Trevor was always shit on here, faggot
What did he mean by this?
thanks for the lonely feels, bro. i guess
His introduction sucked and was very off tone for a gta game and even off tone for the rest of trevors character development. The opening introduction is Trevor cuckholding another guy and having that other guy cry and beg for forgiveness as Trevor brutally kills him. Wtf?
>no one here liked GTA IV until GTA V came out
>no one here liked Johnny until he was killed in GTA V
Liking things retroactively is boring and just makes you an insufferable contrarian with no personality.
Johnny fucking sucked. His DLC was terrible. The Ballad of Gay Tony was kino though.
Didn't like GTA5 at first being a hard GTA4fag but replaying it in first person it grew on me.
Its more the background elements that stood out to me, the news, the satire, the stuff outside the main plot. I love the car customization to a certain extent but other than that I'll aways prefer GTA4's driving, combat and physics , the gunplay and sounds were weighty and punchy, the destruction debris after a gunfight were visceral and the cops are just better in that game.
trevor literally represents your typical GTA player
imagine only being able to express yourself through the latest internet buzzwords
>tfw it took me forever to figure out that end of game mission for his mom.
GTA equivalent of shadow the hedgehog. Search your heart, you know it to be true.
Yeah for some reason Yas Forums is kinda butthurt and acting like bitches about this guy.
Trevor was based for that reason alone.