
>literally a boss pattern learning simulator
>you only get maybe like 15 min downtime between the constant boss fights
>find a boss, die instantly, repeat until you can predict and counter each of its attacks
>retards go "final boss took me a whole week to beat wow le hard game so epic git gud casuls xDDD"
Hate this game and this recent trend in From's releases, this is Ringed City all over again, except as its own game.

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Yes, and?

If you want a Game with more depth and RPG Elements, might i suggest nioh2?
Granted you do need to be slightly autistic to Fully enjoy it

>game presents challenge
>have to learn how to overcome it
name a game that doesn't do this???
you dont enjoy the game. its not for you. thats okay buddy. there are other games out there

I currently am playing this and am now at Owl, and i gotta say my only problem with this game is that enemies/bosses scale as you level up, its just retarded, why give leveling options if they are just negated by enemy scaling.

the level design is incredibly good and the exploration is more satisfying than whatever AAA piece of shit you love

Yeah and it's not like you can fight the bosses in a vastly different order. Attack power and vitality are worthless.

The only remotely difficult thing in The Ringed City was Midir

How do you "level up"? you just unlock new skills.

Get good, casual.

Increasing vitality/posture and attack power

You already made this thread nigger fuck you

>literally a boss pattern learning simulator
Shit take, the most fun I've had in Sekiro is exploring and stealth. The bosses are a challenge but they're not what it's about to me. If you took out the world and just made it a boss rush I'd never bother finishing it.

Yeah maybe try playing basketball simulating games you retarded nigger fuck.

Since when do bosses scale against this? More hp/posture and attack power are advantageous in a flat sense; I guarantee you the game is harder if you never confront any battle memories or cash in any prayer beads.

I haven't had a vaccination in years, do explain how being autistic helps with Nioh. Is it because of the Diablo like loot system?

git gud, faggot

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Wait, surely you're not suggesting that a game created by a development team known for making difficult games, actually expects the player to endure multiple attempts at fighting a boss to become proficient enough to overcome said boss? That's fucking outrageous!

Sarcasm translation - you're an absolute faggot.

just don't play it then, retard

You can fight bosses in vastly different orders. Everything from Ashina Castle shrine to the beginning of the final act (starting with Fountainhead) can be done in any order. You can fight Corrupted Monk before taking on Genichiro, for example.

Your point about Vitality and Attack power being worthless doesn't make any sense; bosses don't actually "scale", they will fucking one shot you if you haven't fought enough optional bosses to increase your HP pool and boss fights can be totally different depending on how much Attack power you've accumulated prior to encountering them. Try fighting Lady Butterfly after doing the rest of the game first and see how quickly you kill her.

This is literally the point i don't understand what you're saying is bad
All souls game are just learning the enemy patterns and getting better

As much as I enjoy Sekiro, I will say it's consistently the shittiest thing about Miyazaki's games that dying repeatedly is an absolutely essential part of learning to play but death is still punished like you're an asshole for ever succumbing to it.

Especially Sekiro, you can't play it cautiously, you are required by the design of the game to try and fail and learn what you did wrong, over and over and over again (if for no other reason than you have to learn all of a boss's attacks to learn to counterplay them) but the game will still happily drop Rot Essence in your lap and swallow up your money/xp like you're the asshole for playing that way.

Yes, you need to learn boss attack patterns in order to respond to them, just like virtually every other game ever made. What's your point?

Constant high-octane boss fights are far more entertaining than the constant trudging around brown-smeared environents for 95% of the game like in Souls.

Okay, it just feels like to me that same enemies that dealt damage early in the game does much more now that i have much more hp, or i just suck at this game who knows.

>You can fight Corrupted Monk before taking on Genichiro, for example

You can, but it's clearly not intended. The story drives you in a certain direction, and the only real choice the game gives you if you're playing "as expected" (without a fucking wiki open in front of you) is whether to go to Sunkey Valley or Senpou Temple first.

Literally false

Retard, try doing butterfly after doing the rest of the game
Or try doing any boss at low vitality/attack power

I did Butterfly immediately after Gyoubu and I still killed her first try. Juzou was harder than Butterfly by a huge margin. That may not be the best example.

He is right, you know?
Souls games are fucking shallow once you realise how fucking simple they are. It's all about memorizing boss pattern, every single game. Bosses often lack gimmicks and it's in 99% of the cases "Pattern X, then pattern Y on low health". That's all there is to these games.

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It's some something From did to make new NG+ a bit different when you know stuff.
Fodlr example, going to Senpou temple and clearing out the entire area before even doing Genichiro, you will find one of the mummified centipede monks, and he will talk to you and give you a little bit of lore + the special holy text needed for the true ending.

Who got you so mad?
The ape?

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No, I meant doing the entire game and leveling up to max HP and attack power and then fighring hershe won't even be able to scratch you.

I want to fuck the fish ladies