Final Fantasy VIII

What's the point of the orphanage twist?

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They didn't know how else to tie the characters together beyond being assigned the the same mission.

Don't bother questioning anything about VIII, it's irredeemably shit in every way, save for Zell.

major asspull that didn't need to happen

Not even the biggest ass-pull in FF8. The Ragnarok was.

I’d love to see an FF8 remake if just to clean up the plot

being better than FF 7:R and FF 15

All it needs to do is make R=U canon

>FF8 time jannies
please god no, it's bad enbough as is.

Reminder that the orphanage reunion isn't random in the slightest. If you think it's an asspull, you're a brainlet.

I guess to tie everyone to Edea, but she didn't even end up the final villain so I don't really know, maybe just to explain why everyone puts up with Squall.

Nothing in that makes any sense whatsoever.

I read somewhere that they probably wanted to make a story in which the witch tries to keep them seperated because she knew the group is gonna come for her, and thus, erase their memories. But they failed/forgot to actually do that and just kept the orphanage shit in.

Not to mention that it doesnt even explain the convenient "we're all together again! wow" nonsense. But actually makes it worse.

Cid and Edea both know Squall saves the world from a future sorceress and opt to train all the children present at the orphanage in his immediate circle to be sure he succeeds. The entirety of SeeD is built around training these specific children to be prepared for Ultimecia. Garden became as large as it did solely because NORG turned them into a for profit organization, being the one who funded Cid's plans.

Main theme is pre-ordained destiny

The main villain is literally waiting for her own prophecised death and wants to compress time into one point so that this isn't possible

You kids are so fucking dumb

Squall is a good leader. He doesn't fuck around and when there is a problem he decides the course quickly every single time

They're all reunited by design. Cid makes sure of it, and then he makes Squall the leader of SeeD. This shit is written for young teenagers, yet decades later, Yas Forums can't understand it and claim it's all random asspulls while clinging to their unfounded fan theories stemming from their complete lack of comprehension.

Why else would Irvine not shoot Edea? He doesn't use GF's so he didn't lose his memories, while everyone else in the plot did.

>orphanage twist

looks like someone didnt pay enough attention during the game

That it was a dream. Literally the entire plot falls apart after he takes that icle to the chest. And it only makes sense if it was literally a death dream.

The plot makes perfect sense and continues plot points introduced before the events at the end of disc 1. Just because you can't follow it doesn't objectively mean it doesn't make sense.

Based and Monkpilled.

>single handedly stages a successful prison break.
>Is the only one of the orphans who actually gets adopted.
>Only one known to actively search for food. Rest of the party confirmed for androids.
>Punches shit.
>Only one who is knowledgeable about the affairs of the rest of the world. Political situation in Galbadia? Check. History of the Deep Sea Research Facility? Gotchu senpai.
>Has a shrine to his grandfather. He knows respect.
>As a matter of fact, his grandfather was probabbly doomguy. Ever noticed his shotgun on Zell's room?
>Rides hoverboards.
>Alpha as fuck, is the only one who actually has girls swooning over him.
>Master jeweller. Can make a copy of a ring with just some materials.
>Is the source of Squall's tactical genius. Denying the enemy of resources is a valid strategy, even if said resources are hot dogs.
>Is a master martial artist who can learn and create deadly new techniques just from reading magazines.
>Blows so precise he can even swat flies by punching.
>Can run around the world in mere seconds just to punch the shit out of someone.
>Has the strongest Limit Break in the entire game. Lionheart? Get that weak shit outta here.
>A single punch of him is strong enough for people to think there was an earthquake.
>The greatest wingman, helps Squall on the way to getting some puss puss, even strong arming him at least once into progress.

Attached: Zell_Dincht.jpg (640x448, 173.41K)

>it makes perfect sense
If you jump through enough hoops.

No, the plot as a whole makes sense. It's just that it requires good retention to understand it fully in one playthrough.

It's a major plot point tied in to a world building detail that at first glance seems minor. The fact that every one of them used GFs extensively made them forget, with the exception of irvine who refused to use GFs while in balbadia.
God i miss him

This is a shit theory and wouldn't make the story better. Besides FF8 is a consistent time loop, they never once change events that happened or will happem

>refused to use GF while in balbadia

these are the retards who think that FFVIII doesn't make sense

you got filtered by FFVIII champ

there's no twist

>telling best girl to go talk to a wall
I don't think this semen-slurping protagonist is for me

bad story telling. thinking it was a smart plot twist but really a amateurish one.

With all the little (and big) hints they've included I'm still convinced that it was the original script.

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I was saying the plot actually made sense.

It was meant to tie up the entire 'GF's cause amnesia' thing they lay on hard all throughout the game. It was also meant to further cement that these group of assholes were meant to be together, rather than just finding each other spontaneously.

But what's the point of it? "We knew each other when we were kids." Ok. So what? What does that matter?

Yes, except Irvine isn't a SeeD, thus never used GFs. Only Balamb trains SeeD, and only SeeD use GFs. Galbadia specializes in firearms, thus Irvine was trained to be a sharpshooter and assigned to Squall's group by Cid as a third party operator in association with Garden.

Yas Forums has these factors in common

- very dumb
- low attention span (doesn't read just scans)
- has no understanding of myth or culture outside of capitalism

Squall is dead theory is the only thing that makes the story bearable

See and

You are a member of SeeD if you attend one of the three academies and graduated bro. Selphie is literally a transfer student to Balmb Garden.

Only students attending Balamb Garden train in the use of GFs. To become a SeeD, they have to graduate at Balamb Garden specifically, which Irvine never did. You can find this info on Squall's computer in Balamb.

That's his only mistake in the post. Most of Yas Forums has no idea that Galbadia uses firearms despite the game outright stating it