What games do they prefer?

What games do they prefer?

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ESTJs prefer grand strategy games like vicky 2

Literal baby here
my favorite game is No More Heroes

Any game where I can make people scream in to the microphone at me for ruining their day.

I always wondered why MBTI threads tend to regularly reappear on Yas Forums.

RPGs and boomershooters.

(Psuedo) Intellectualism.

Mainly play puzzle games, platformers, shooters, and the occasional fighter

autists like to categorise everything.

Personality threory has nothing to do with this though, it isn't an IQ thread.

I appreciate the Teen Girl Squad reference.

Before you all start to talk about functions and stuff, a reminder that 16p is supposed to be a custom fusion between MBTI and Big 5.

Remember, if you are an INTP, kill yourself.

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INFJs love faggot games where you help everyone with the power of love and friendship, for egoistic fulfilment. e.g. Undertale, Ni No Kuni II, Persona 5, Kingdom Hearts saga...


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>TFW too intelligent
Even the personality test is trying to convince us

Based INFJ-chAd

INTP represent rpgs mostly maybe the odd hentai game thrown into the mix

INTP, and I like immersive sims like Deus Ex and System Shock.

Thank you for making me want to die even more.

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I'm both INTP and schizoid
Now what ?

Damn, to think that I am supposed to be just one letter off.

haha true

The test gave me ENFP but it feels really weird cause I don't feel like it's accurate.
Love me this game, though.

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This are just new age zodiacs that don't means shit
>Oh my god that is such an INTJ thing of you to do, Becca!

I only really play old or that try to emulate old fps, fighting games, rogue lites and metroidvania nowadays, and a few games where the focus is resolving puzzles.
Still try a MMO once in a blue moon but i don't stick with them for long, next victim will be blue protocol.

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I'm an ISTP, I like simcades. I can play full sim and do well but I like being more reckless. I don't want any fucking wars though, I know I'd get drafted and die.

The obvious difference is that MBTI is at least based on user input and some attempts to gather empirical evidence. The theory itself is based on Jung making up some archetypes which are still grounded in observation and patterns.
Astrology is just "lol stars totally affect your behavior because everything is connected"

MBTI is pseudoscience


HARD GAMES. The harder the better. Genre doesn't matter as long as it's not non-games like visual novels. God I wish they made more hard games.

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Yeah that's all psychology, what about it?

Everything that isn't science is pseudoscience. Math is pseudoscience.

Same bro.
I feel like SzPD is the final form of INTP.
Just gotta construct my life in a way where I'm self-sufficient without having to interact with others. Then I may be able to be happy.

sick homestar reference on BLU there

ENTP is surprisingly accurate even the rodent part. I remember having uncontrollable urges as a kid to strangle cute stuff but thankfully my father was there to slap me away and save me from becoming a potential psychopath.

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Why do you hate cute stuff

>Being E anything

Newfags please leave