God bless Capcom for making the ultimate casual waifu filter

God bless Capcom for making the ultimate casual waifu filter.
If you don't find the Handler cute, then you're guaranteed to be an incel.

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>posting 2d drawings instead of her real ugly face


Attached: wife material.jpg (1280x720, 347.8K)

Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when i come home this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid look on her face. What should i do about her? Ideas?

Attached: lookatthisfuckingface.png (667x419, 509.38K)

simps gonna simp

Marry her!

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She's no uglier than the rest of the game. That's still pretty damn ugly though.

The Handler is the most annoying and ugly character I've ever laid my eyes on. If you find her cute you are just attracted to everything remotely resembeling a female.

t. incels

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I like the handler, but i cant play mhw because the game doesnt let you delete every loast kinsect and forces you to use different weapon types in the area.

I can only play if the game lets me be pure and monoweapon

But she's useless and the only thing she does is bringing trouble.

Attached: Handler.jpg (640x960, 37.05K)

Ah yes.
The eyes of a cocaine addict yes.

>he's never seen a white girl outside of made-up porn videos
We already know you're an incel, user.

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You can somewhat fix her face with the costumes, but in her standard outfit, she looks horrendous. I'm sorry you have such low standards.

d-dont insult the handler!
instead, cuck her with the seliana pub lass

fat handler isnt real, she cant hurt you

>low standards
Her face is fine. Even if you don't find it drop dread gorgeous, she makes up for it with her other wonderful traits.

You don't deserve her.

I can only feel that their intention of making Monster Hunter more accessible lead to them making the ugliest character they could as to not offend the West.

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>male on futa


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Attached: hnngh.jpg (261x193, 11.73K)

>Just fapped to this.
Ah! A male of gay taste, I see.



she's absolutely atrocious, design, face, personality, all of it

Undeniably false.

post your chars

Attached: asa.jpg (867x1340, 402.12K)

Attached: beautiful family.webm (960x540, 2.95M)


> dark skin, lighht hair
maximum cute

Looks like an evil guy from Final Fantasy.