What happened
>normies love jap games now
being black is kinda cool
>Get to fuck eurosluts
>"White" bois obsess over you
>"White" women will always defends you
feels good man
>Nintendo/SEGA in general
They've been around before you were born, nigger.
Because Japan is the only country making games
they are the only one making fun games nowadays
It's the opposite, western games were 100% irrelevant until 2007 when COD4 came out. And Youtube, social media faggotry happened.
Oh no you’ve lost your superficial identity
Go outside
>retards have shit taste
doesn't sound surprising to me
Western games were only relevant during the PS3 era when Japan dropped the ball hard.
t. likes Final Fantasy 7 “remake”
Because people still don't realize that indie games are the new AAA.
Nintendo broke through the normalfag barrier years ago though, this is not anything new.
western games got so shitty even normalfags cant stand it
>zoomers are brainwashed anime coomers
>streamers play along and get money by playing what they want
>a game so casual even women can enjoy it
normalfags can suck my dick
get woke go broke
>coomer meme
accept that good games have sex appeal in it
Where have you been for the last 35 years bro?
go back
um... excuse me user but based pewds isn't a normie? pogCHAMP but its cool your new
He was never a normie to begin with. He played shitty rpgs, vns and anime. Its the old Yas Forums guard but wore a persona to make money, as many did.
>Wow, a cute life sim from Nintendo getting liked?
This reeks of Australian zoomers.
>old guard
cr*ng* newfag
Because Sony and Nintendo are japanese company desu.
>A meme only intensified as an insult by e-celebs to beat the e-celebs.
>newfag doesn't know about pdp asking for advice on Yas Forums on doing videos
It's been like this since the fucking 80s, retard
Playstation is an American branch now
you have to go back
Since when normies want to fuck that dog?
Real Life isnt Yas Forums/Porn user
Pewdiepie is not normie by, say, 2015 standards.
Its just there is so many not normies that they are normies now.
go back